Archie's Weird Mysteries is an American animated children's television program, based on the Archie comics. The series premise revolves around a Riverdale High physics lab gone awry, making the town of Riverdale a "magnet" for B-movie style monsters. The show is distributed as meeting the FCC's educational and informational children's programming requirements, and is used by commercial stations in the United States to meet this guideline. Produced by DIC Entertainment, the show was initially sho...
Liberty's Kids is an animated educational historical fiction television series produced by DIC Entertainment, originally broadcast on PBS Kids from September 2, 2002 to April 4, 2003, although PBS continued to air reruns until August 2004. The show has since been syndicated by DiC to affiliates of smaller television networks such as The CW and MyNetworkTV and some independent stations so that those stations can fulfill FCC educational and informational requirements. Since September 16, 2006, the...
When a new geothermal heating system is installed under the high school they "thaw out" a Neanderthal ancestor of Jughead!...
Meet Archie Andrews, ace reporter for the Riverdale High School student paper. Weirdness is his beat. It all starts the day the local TV station plays a twelve-hour monster movie marathon, followed by a trivia contest. Archie should have known something was wrong when Jughead actually wins! It turns out, the TV station has been invaded by a body-snatching space spud. When the bad guys are supernatural, all bets are off. Archie faces his greatest challenge yet when Riverdale is invaded by a gang...