Tarzan and the Super 7, is a Saturday morning cartoon series, produced by Filmation and originally airing from 1978–1980 on CBS. The show consisted of separate installments featuring seven groups of adventurers; ⁕Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle ⁕The New Adventures of Batman ⁕The Freedom Force — Isis, Super-Samurai, Sinbad, Merlin, and Hercules ⁕Jason of Star Command — the only live-action segment ⁕Manta and Moray ⁕Superstretch and Microwoman ⁕Web Woman The show was an updating of the Batman/...
Space Academy is a live-action sci-fi children's television program produced by Filmation that originally aired Saturday mornings on the CBS television network, from September 10, 1977, to December 17, 1977. A total of fifteen half-hour episodes were made....
Matt Cassidy and Jennifer Barnes are reluctantly paired to anchor the news at a fictional TV station in Boston, Massachusetts, due to the sudden ratings drop....
Crazy Like a Fox is an American television series set in San Francisco, California, that aired on CBS from December 30, 1984 to May 3, 1986....
Madame's Place is an American sitcom that featured the misadventures of Madame, a puppet in the form of a bawdy old movie star with a naughty sense of humor....
A conflicted teen lashes out by vandalizing equipment at the nuclear plant where his father works, then hits the road and finds a spiritual path....
Conflict erupts within a close-knit engine company of a big-city fire department when a black recruit and a bigoted white veteran clash during a wave of suspected arson in the ghetto. Pilot to the short-lived series that began a run in January 1974....
A teenager is faced with pressure from peers to drink and his decision about the use of alcohol. The young man is assisted by a youth minister in making his choice....
The Cosby Kids are rehearsing for a Christmas pageant at their junkyard clubhouse, which Tyrone, the mean old junkyard owner, is fixin' to tear down. That's when Marshall & his parents show up. With their car broken down, Marshall's mom is about to have a baby and his dad, without health insurance, inspires the gang to invite them in the clubhouse for shelter. Tyrone agrees to let them stay until the baby is born, in exchange for Fat Albert working for him as a sidewalk Santa. "Ho-ho-ho's" in Fa...
After attorney Frank Girard is murdered, Detective Al Church suspects that Ms. Leigh Cullen is the perpetrator, as she was supposedly last seen with the man. However, after Leigh's alleged twin sister, Tracy, shows up at the police line-up with Leigh, Church is left puzzled and with no specific suspect to pinpoint. Therefore, Church asks Psychiatrist Dr. Jim Eiseley, an acquaintance of Leigh's, to evaluate the sisters and run tests on them in hopes of filtering out the murderer. However, Eiseley...
A high school student faces a moral dilemma, should he turn in a friend who is dealing pills....
This movie details the struggles of former Brooklyn Dodger catcher Roy Campanella to adapt to life in a wheelchair following his crippling automobile accident in 1959. Cinematographer Ted Voigtlander was Emmy-nominated....
The movie centers on a piano competition whose winner is assured of success. It is Paul's last chance to compete, but newcomer Heidi may be a better pianist. Can romance be far away? Will she take a dive despite the pressure to win from her teacher, Greta, or will she condemn Paul to obscurity?...