Australia's Got Talent is an Australian reality television talent show which premiered on 18 February 2007 on the Seven Network. The show is based on the Got Talent series format that originated in the United Kingdom with Simon Cowell. It was hosted by Grant Denyer, with Dannii Minogue, Tom Burlinson and Red Symons acting as judges. From series seven, the show will be broadcast on the Nine Network. The first series aired at 6:30pm on Sunday nights. After a successful run, the series was given a...
Hey Hey It's Saturday was a long-running variety television program on Australian television. It initially ran for 27 years, debuting on the Nine Network on 9 October 1971 and broadcasting its last episode on 20 November 1999. Its host throughout its entire run was Daryl Somers, who would later become executive producer of the program. The original producer, Gavin Disney, left the program in the 1980s and Somers then jointly formed his own production company, Somers Carroll Productions, with on-...
One West Waikiki is an American crime/drama TV show set in Hawaii which ran from 1994-1996. It starred Cheryl Ladd, Richard Burgi and Kayla Blake and was nominated for a Prime Time Emmy in 1995....
Celebrating the movers and shakers of the Australian music scene, showcasing some of the country's best musicians with exclusive live performances and interviews....
Big Brother VIP is a spin-off series of the Australian version of the Dutch reality television franchise Big Brother. The series was announced on 30 March 2021 and is hosted by Sonia Kruger.The series premiered on 1 November 2021....
(Australia) Celebrities and their professional dance partners strut their stuff on the dancefloor. Each week, one couple is voted off by the public and a panel of judges. And so it goes week after week until just one star remains....
Talkin' 'Bout Your Generation is an Australian game show produced by Granada Productions which premiered on Network Ten on 5 May 2009. It is hosted by Shaun Micallef. The first series ran for 18 episodes, with the original production order extended due to the success of the show. A second series of 26 episodes began airing from 7 February 2010. Series 2 had a planned hiatus after episode 10 on 18 April 2010 and returned to finish its run on 1 August 2010. Series 3 began on 8 February 2011. On ...
Australia's Got Talent is an Australian reality television talent show which premiered on 18 February 2007 on the Seven Network. The show is based on the Got Talent series format that originated in the United Kingdom with Simon Cowell. It was hosted by Grant Denyer, with Dannii Minogue, Tom Burlinson and Red Symons acting as judges. From series seven, the show will be broadcast on the Nine Network. The first series aired at 6:30pm on Sunday nights. After a successful run, the series was given a...
When the Silly Billies hear that their circus friends are in trouble, they decide to help. Fun and laughter follow as the Silly Billies create chaos under the big top. Don’t miss the crazy chase scene, when the scheming bank manager makes off with the takings. Will the big top be repossessed? Will the elephants be raffled? How much mayhem can a puppy cause on the high trapeze? And the big question is… who’ll save the circus from the Silly Billies? Featuring the circus performers from Baz Luhrman...
The action moves along quickly, jumping over holes in the script, in this made-for-television drama about Eve, an ex-terrorist from Germany who is forced to escape to Australia with her teenage daughter Chrissie when she is sought by Riley, a lover from 17 years in the past. In turn, the IRA has sent two members after Riley because he shot an IRA soldier and must pay the consequences. The two IRA operatives looking for Riley come across a really nasty biker who wants vengeance on Eve for setting...
Over 50 high profile friends including; Kylie and Dannii Minogue, Hugh Jackman, Gene Simmons, Suzi Quatro, Tina Arena, Michael Gudinski, Kate Ceberano, Russell Morris, Colin Hay, Mark Seymour and Jimmy Barnes to name just a few, share their personal stories of the highs and lows of having the man in the hat in their life....