The Raccoons is a Canadian animated television series which was originally broadcast from 1985 to 1991 with three preceding television specials from its inception in 1980 and one direct to video special in 1984. The franchise was created by Kevin Gillis with the co-operation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation....
In this prelude to the television series 'The Raccoons', Bert, Melissa, and Ralph Raccoon have their home accidentally stolen when it is cut down to become a Christmas tree....
The Raccoons on Ice is the second of four specials leading up to the television series The Raccoons. It initially aired on CBC and in syndication on December 20, 1981....
Stuck in a sexless marriage, a frustrated well-to-do couple agrees to see a female sex therapist. Unfortunately, she only helps escalate the tensions between them. Meanwhile, the police are baffled by a string of brutal nightly killings....
A group of young professionals decides to play a practical joke on one of their ex-girlfriends who married a rich man who is about to close a major real estate deal. They plan to kidnap her and mess up the deal. Unfortunately, the joke becomes deadly serious....
A man tries to uncover an unconventional psychologist's therapy techniques on his institutionalized wife, while a series of brutal attacks committed by a brood of mutant children coincides with the husband's investigation....
Bert Raccoon is having a music video party and everyone is invited. Though Cyril is trying to get some sleep in the process....
"The Raccoons and the Lost Star" is the last totally original Raccoons .... On a far-away planet, Cyril Sneer plots his takeover of earth....