Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii was an Indian soap opera that aired on STAR Plus. It ran 1700 episodes. It starred Sakshi Tanwar as Parvati Om Agarwal in the lead role of the series which tells the story of the successful Agarwal family. The final episode of the show aired on October 9, 2008....
The tale of a family who has fallen prey to the clutches of incantation. The Khanna’s are an affluent family who move into their dream home but become unfortunate victims of the gruesome practice of Tantra. The antagonist is the House itself whose eerie effects makes the place unliveable and a nightmare for its inhabitants....
Seven teenagers Ashutosh, Raja, Julie, Shiva, Ronnie, Sanjeev and Rahul who battle an evil force that takes the form of a clown called Woh that kidnaps children....
When a bubbly American hip hop dancer goes to India with her family for a wedding, she is impressed by a new dance style and falls in love with the man who introduced her to it....
In a small hill town, a father plans to migrate to the big city. However, his young children embark on an adventurous mission to stop him, using every trick in the book. Will their efforts keep the family together?...