The CollegeHumor Show was an American comedy that premiered on MTV on February 8, 2009 and also aired on MuchMusic. The show is a scripted sitcom with sketch comedy elements. It is written by and stars nine actual CollegeHumor editorial staff members, who play fictionalized versions of themselves. The show is an adaptation of the style of the long-running Hardly Working short film series created for the CollegeHumor site, made more suitable for the longer, televised format. After the conclusion...
Host and philosopher Katie Marovitch recruits comedians to answer life's important questions, like "What's the sexiest way to die?...
Jake and Amir is an American comedy web series created by and starring CollegeHumor writers Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld, and set in New York City. The two play humorous versions of themselves: Jake is usually depicted as a sensible "regular guy", and Amir as his annoying, obsessive and odd co-worker, the pair acting as a comic double act....
Ruby Jade (Amir Blumenfeld) is a neurotic, selfish, understandably single 30-something who wants to have sex more than anything else in the world. Along with the help of his empathetic dating coach Josh Rice (Jake Hurwitz) Ruby embarks on a quest to find love, with literally anybody....
A sketch comedy web series filmed in the CollegeHumor offices, featuring the writers....
For the final rulings on controversial questions about life and pop culture, we ask the most judgmental people we know: comedians....
Just a regular dude's point of view in this crazy world....
The unofficial celebrity biography of Mary-Kate Olsen, brought to spoiled rotten life by Elaine Carroll. Featuring Bodyguard, Fat Professor, and obscene wealth....
The Phantom (Streeter Seidell) isn't here to make friends. He isn't here to work or haunt, either. Honestly, we think he's a freelance corporate loiterer....
After hours, co-workers Sarah and David secretly "dip" their "respective pens" into each other's "corporate ink," so to "speak."...
Original sketches, music videos, and pop culture parodies spanning the last CollegeHumor decade....
The glistening fruits of our ill-conceived annual tradition of guerrilla video making. We do it for you, and you're so welcome. Behold the bounty or whatever....
The glistening fruits of our ill-conceived annual tradition of guerrilla video making. We do it for you, and you're so welcome. Behold the bounty or whatever....
The glistening fruits of our ill-conceived annual tradition of guerrilla video making. We do it for you, and you're so welcome. Behold the bounty or whatever....
Original sketches, music videos, and pop culture parodies spanning the last CollegeHumor decade....
Original sketches, music videos, and pop culture parodies spanning the last CollegeHumor decade....
When a new CEO arrives at CollegeHumour, he makes Jake an offer he can't refuse: fire Amir and get a promotion, but Jake soon realizes life without Amir isn't as he'd hoped....