Testees is a Canadian television series, created by Kenny Hotz and written and produced by Kenny Hotz and Derek Harvie. Testees originally aired on Thursdays at 10:30 PM EST on FX and ran from October 9, 2008 to December 18, 2008. and debuted on October 14, 2008 on Showcase in Canada. The show is filmed in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario. Testees is now showing on FX in the UK, I.Sat in Brazil and Comedy Central in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. After one season, Testees was not renewed by ...
A porn star, a bank robber and a Shakespearean actor are some of the subjects of Camp Hollywood, a feature documentary about the residents of a legendary Hollywood hotel. Seen through the eyes of a Canadian comic who's come out to L.A. for the first time, Camp Hollywood is an intimate portrait of the actors, musicians and other transients he meets during his two-month stay....
A heartbroken documentary filmmaker focuses his camera on interesting women with hopes of meeting the love of his life....