The Philippine adaptation of the reality game show "Big Brother" features Filipino housemates live together, share their stories and build meaningful relationships as they do tasks and challenges supervised by Big Brother. Every week a nomination is done, and the public decides who gets evicted and eventually become the Big Winner of the program....
The Philippine adaptation of the reality game show "Big Brother" features Filipino housemates live together, share their stories and build meaningful relationships as they do tasks and challenges supervised by Big Brother. Every week a nomination is done, and the public decides who gets evicted and eventually become the Big Winner of the program....
A Philippine reality singing television competition, which feature young aspiring singers aged 6–12....
Little Opao and Biboy grew up together in an orphanage in Taal, Batangas and promised themselves to be best friends forever. As they grow older they head into separate ways; to be adopted by their respective new parents. Opao is adopted by a spinster whose failed career in acting prompts her to mould Opao into a superstar with the nickname Darling. Meanwhile, Biboy is adopted by Crisp Pops....
The mysterious disappearance of a young woman in a nature park and the bizarre death of a police chief intertwine, spiraling into a paranoid narrative with hints of the supernatural. This absurdist black comedy masquerades as a police procedural, showcasing a force that methodically wastes time and resources while ignoring the chaos around them....