The New Tomorrow is a New Zealand-based television series produced by Cloud 9 and is a sequel to the cult television series The Tribe. The show was created by Raymond Thompson and premiered on 17 September 2005 on the Seven Network in Australia. The events of The New Tomorrow follow the final episode of series five of The Tribe but specific details of this link are yet to be revealed. It is unclear how much time has passed since The Tribe ended or what connections exist between the two shows....
Jesse Aarons trained all summer to become the fastest runner in school. So he's very upset when newcomer Leslie Burke outruns him and everyone else. Despite this and other differences including that she's rich, he's poor, she's a city girl, and he's a country boy the two become fast friends. Together they create Terabithia, a land of monsters, trolls, ogres, and giants where they rule as king and queen....