Amantes was an epic Venezuelan telenovela produced and aired on RCTV in 2005. The telenovela was written by Luis Colmenares and directed by Tony Rodriguez. It starred Chantal Baudaux and Juan Carlos Alarcón as the protagonists with Veronica Schneider and Aroldo Betancourt as the antagonists....
Calle Luna, Calle Sol is a soap opera Venezuela produced and broadcast by RCTV. It began broadcasting from March 18, 2009. The title is the subject of Willie Colón and Héctor Lavoe from the album "Lo Mato" 1973. The main theme of the telenovela is a version sung by this time 'Victor Munoz. Written by José Vicente Quintana, 'Calle Luna, Calle Sol' is a love story inspired by Marielena, by Manuel Muñoz Rico transmitted in 1979 and starring Maria Conchita Alonso and Jean Carlos Simancas . 'Calle...
La Mujer de Judas or The Wife of Judas is a telenovela produced by RCTV in Venezuela in 2002. Astrid Carolina Herrera, Chantal Baudaux, Juan Carlos Garcia are playing the main characters and it was directed and created by Martin Hahn. It consists of 126 episodes....