Desmond's was a British television situation comedy broadcast by Channel 4 from 1989 to 1994. With 71 episodes, Desmond's became Channel 4's longest-running sitcom. The first series was shot in 1988, with the first episode broadcast in January 1989. The show was made in and set in Peckham, London, England and featured a predominantly Black British Guyanese cast. Conceived and co-written by Trix Worrell, and produced by Charlie Hanson and Humphrey Barclay, this series starred Norman Beaton as ba...
Mixed Blessings is a British sitcom produced by LWT for broadcast on the ITV network between 1978 and 1980, It was created by comedy-writer Sid Green and starred Christopher Blake and Muriel Odunton....
An English aristocrat and an American millionaire come together to tackle crime....
Play set in the Caribbean showing how life is hard and a struggle, with problems of unemployment and lack of money....
Jamaican obi-man hexes student hostel manager, eventually causing the manager's death, before being killed himself by the manager's vengeful spirit....
A small comedy drama about the life and sex adventures of an amorous window cleaner, in the hip and swingin' London of the '60s....
Life is never dull where Lord Brett Sinclair and Danny Wilde are concerned. But who would expect dire danger, hilarious though it may be, to face them in one of Brett's baronial homes? Even more unexpectedly, murder and black magic take place when Danny decides to own his own little piece of England and buys a tumble down old cottage. The old mansion, Greensleeves, has been in the Sinclair family for generations, but has been unoccupied for a long time except for an aged butler named Moorehead....
In Great Britain a reversal of African apartheid comes into place, and the country is governed by black people with whites as the subservients....
On Earth in 2018, the Doctor and his companions are enmeshed in a deadly web of intrigue thanks to his uncanny resemblance to the scientist/politician Salamander. He is hailed as the "shopkeeper of the world" for his efforts to relieve global famine, but why do his rivals keep disappearing? How can he predict so many natural disasters? The Doctor must expose Salamander's schemes before he takes over the world....
Three black men rob a Knightsbridge Italian restaurant. But when the police are called and the robbery becomes a siege, the men find themselves in a situation out of their control....
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other....
Sam, a quiet West Indian working as a London Transport ticket collector, strikes up an unlikely, but warm, friendship with Joe, an old man who has a room in the same house....
A bittersweet drama on a familiar theme - the frictions forced to the surface during a Christmas family get-together - Michael Abbensetts' Black Christmas is an understated and affecting study of relationships, unexpressed pain and a tormented nostalgia for a distant home....
From front rooms, Black families, friends, students and older generations navigate British and American society today....
The film follows Gabriel Angel (Rakie Ayola), a young Caribbean aviator who falls in love with the forger Duncan Stewart (Jonathan Pryce) on her journey to England. Stewart is pursued by his nemesis Rex Goodyear (John Hurt), and the group are supported by Dr Angela Bead (Vanessa Redgrave) and Miss Gwendolyn Quim (Dorothy Tutin), retired missionaries who become lovers during the voyage....
An anthropologist observed by one of his erstwhile victims - a sophisticated comedy....