From out of nowhere, a mysterious alien race known as the Boazan Forces has invaded the Earth. A group of individuals specially trained to handle this kind of situation has been unleashed. Kenichi, Ippei, Daijirou, Hiyoshi & Megumi are the pilots of the Choudenji Machine Voltes V (5), Earth's defense against the Boazan and their terrible Beast Warriors. The plot thickens as the Go Brothers discover their true heritage and the truth behind their father's disappearance. Conflicts and mixed emotion...
5000 years ago, the Triton Family was living peacefully in Atlantis until the Poseidon Family destroyed them all. Triton, of the Triton Family line, embarks on an adventurous life in the sea fighting the Poseidon Family....
Tokusatsu series created by Shotaro Ishinomori, sequel of Akumaizer 3....
Princess Sapphire is a girl raised as a Prince. Through the mischief of an angel, the princess is born with both a girl's and a boy's heart. Since there is no boy successor in her kingdom, Sapphire is raised as a boy, but evil ministers try to reveal her secret. Unable to put up with the kind of vicious conduct prevailing in the kingdom, Sapphire disguises herself as "Princess Knight" and wields her sword of justice....
5,000 years ago, the Triton Family was living peacefully in Atlantis until the Poseidon Family destroyed them all. Triton, of the Triton Family line, embarks on an adventurous life in the sea fighting the Poseidon Family....
Hyuma Hoshi dreams of becoming a top baseball star like his father, a 3rd baseman who was injured in World War II and forced to retire. Hoshi joins the wildly popular Giants team and soon realizes the difficulty of managing high expectations. From the grueling training to his rivalry with Hanagata of the Hanshin Tigers, Hoshi will need some pitching magic to make it in the big leagues....