High school student Hitomi is transported from Earth to the magical world of Gaea, where she meets boy prince Van Fanel, and is caught up in his quest to unite the countries of Gaea against the ominous Zaibach empire. On the way, she discovers an hidden ability and strives to unravel layers of mystery surrounding Van, his past, and the giant machine known as Escaflowne....
The flames of war are fanned in the Middle East as two secretive forces unleash their latest weapons of mass destruction....
Kaoru is a college boy with everything going for him. He lives in a mansion with his beautiful fiancé, Aoi, all his roommates are babes, and they all have the hots for him. There’s just one hitch: due to family complications, Kaoru and his beloved have to keep their engagement a secret. As he gets tangled in countless steamy situations, can Kaoru overcome temptation and stay true to the lovely Aoi?...
Famous Dog Lassie is a 1996 Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation as the 23rd entry of the World Masterpiece Theater staple. The anime is based on the 1940 novel Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight and also the second animated Lassie series ever produced, since Lassie's Rescue Rangers....
John is a cheerful and energetic young boy, who lives in a small coal-mining town in England. One day he finds a small dog lost in a flock of sheep. John takes him back home and names the puppy Lassie. Soon they become good friends, just like real siblings. Lassie is a very lovely and smart dog, so everyone in the town loves her very much. But their happy life doesn't last long. Suddenly a coal-mine owner closes his company because there is no more coal left in the coal mine. John goes to meet ...