Katts and Dog is a French and Canadian-produced television series which ran from 1988 to 1993. It was known as Rin Tin Tin: K-9 Cop in the United States where it originally aired on CBN Cable/The Family Channel and Rintintin Junior in France on La Cinq. CTV broadcast the series within Canada. When the episodes were filmed the dog’s name was “Rudy”. When the series was aired in the U.S. and France, the name was dubbed as “Rinty” to go with the new title. However, some episodes of Katts and Dogg ...
Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal is a Canadian science fiction television series that surrounds a scientific team that deals with all manner of paranormal phenomena around the world; from alien abductions to possessions. The organization depicted in the series is loosely inspired by a real-life scientific organization. While locations in the series took place worldwide, the series was primarily filmed in and around Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and aired 88 episodes over four seasons from 19...
Brash humor and genuine emotion make up this original series revolving around the lives, loves, ambitions, careers and friendships of a group of gay men and women living on Liberty Avenue in contemporary Pittsburgh, PA. The show offers an unapologetic look at modern, urban gay and lesbian lives while addressing the most critical health and political issues affecting the community. Sometimes racy, sometimes sensitive and always straight to the heart....
Sydney Fox is a professor and globe-trotting "relic hunter" who looks for ancient artifacts to return to museums and/or the descendants of the original owner. She is aided by her linguistic assistant Nigel and occasionally by her somewhat air-headed secretary Claudia. She often ends up battling rival hunters seeking out artifacts for the money....
Sydney Fox is a professor and globe-trotting "relic hunter" who looks for ancient artifacts to return to museums and/or the descendants of the original owner. She is aided by her linguistic assistant Nigel and occasionally by her somewhat air-headed secretary Claudia. She often ends up battling rival hunters seeking out artifacts for the money....
Three tornadoes converge to wreak havoc on Chicago, disrupting the power grid and creating the worst super-storm in history: a category 6 twister....
Biography of ex-pro wrestler Jesse Ventura follows his life beginning as a youngster to election as the Governor of Minnesota in 1998....
The true story of a woman who is sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering her husband's ex-wife....
Three tornadoes converge to wreak havoc on Chicago, disrupting the power grid and creating the worst super-storm in history: a category 6 twister....
Silken Laumann's dreams of winning gold at the 1992 Olympics are shattered after a training accident....
Brian Cruver, an ambitious 26-year-old lands a job at Enron. As he assimilates to the company's get-rich-quick mantra, spending sprees and wild corporate "gatherings" become the norm. But when Enron files for bankruptcy, Cruver discovers he's just a pawn in a failing game of corporate greed--one that made the rich richer...while the rest lost everything....
Barnaby and Maxine Pierce, an embattled married couple in Connecticut, are on the verge of divorce. Their son is getting married in California and they decide to drive across the country to attend. Along the way, as they visit family and friends, they reflect on their tattered relationship and the events that transpired to create the estrangement....