The Big Breakfast was a British light entertainment television show shown on Channel 4 and S4C each weekday morning from 28 September 1992 until 29 March 2002 during which period 2,482 shows were produced. The Big Breakfast was produced by Planet 24, the production company co-owned by former Boomtown Rats singer and Live Aid organiser Bob Geldof. The programme was distinctive for broadcasting live from former lockkeepers' cottages commonly referred to as "The Big Breakfast House", or more simpl...
Mykel Hawke is a former Special Forces survival expert. His wife Ruth is a television journalist. Together, they take on some of the most forbidding and remote locations around the world. Dropped into each spot, they must survive as a team for four days and nights, with only a knife and the clothes on their backs. As they test their will and their marriage, the two find common ground standing up to nature as husband and wife in the wildest places on Earth....
Mykel and Ruth Hawke, the reigning king and queen of survival, put their skills and relationship to the ultimate test as they are dumped blindly into the wilderness, with minimal supplies and precious few clues as to where they actually are....