Mokku of the Oak Tree, also known as Mokku Woody the Oak Tree, or Saban's Adventures of Pinocchio in the United States, is a 52 episode anime series by Tatsunoko Productions first aired on Fuji Television in 1972. The story is based on the novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Unlike the more cheerful lighter tones of the Disney Version and Nippon Animation's version Piccolino no Bōken, this series has a distinctly sadistic darker theme and portrays the main charact...
Vicky is the only son of Halvar, the formidable viking chief. Vicky renounces violence but nevertheless he is able to convince the seasoned viking warriors to take him along on their voyages. In dangerous situations, where their bravery and force are not quite enough to master the situation, the wild-eyed warriors learn to rely on Vicky's cleverness....
Nishiyama Satomi (nicknamed "Limit") is the daughter of Professor Nishiyama. One year she was mortally wounded during a plane crash. Her father was able to revive her, by making her a cyborg. As a cyborg she is gifted with “Miracle Powers” and several different accessories that aid her in solving different problems. Her red beret can be used as a radio to contact her father, and her boots have super speed. She is also able to transform with her pendant. Limit-chan also has a robot pet dog named ...
Kamui the Ninja: Stories Other Than the Legend is a shōnen anime produced by Tele-Cartoon Japan in 1969. It was broadcast in Japan from 6 April 1969 to 28 September 1969 by Fuji TV. Kamui the Ninja had 26 episodes with a running time of 22 minutes each one. The series was based on the manga The Legend of Kamui by Sanpei Shirato....
The mischievous antics of a ghost in an ancient village....
Hiroshi is a boy, a bit lazy in school and in his daily tasks. One day, fighting against his bullies classmates, Hiroshi accidentally fell over a frog who was jumping through Nerima, Tokyo Shakujii Park. Due to this incident, Pyonkichi, the frog, became a "flat frog" and his image and spirit get impregnated on Hiroshi's t-shirt. Due to this shirt being the only one that Hiroshi has kept in good shape, he is forced to wear it everyday, interacting with Pyonkichi and becoming friends. Pyonkichi ha...
The story tells the adventures of the boy, 21 emon, engaged in the management of a hotel belonging to his family for years. In his problems, 21 emons is helped by the robot Gonsuke and the little alien Monga....
Pen-Pen, the hat-and-tie-wearing prince of Penguin Land, turns up unexpectedly on little Mika's doorstep. and invites himself and his zany friends to stay....
Nothing is impossible for Doraemon's magic pocket, much less when it comes to using their inventions to live the most amazing adventures. Is there a place where no man has gone before? The robot cat magic door leads to our friends at the center of Africa, just until Smokers Forest, a forest covered with a thick fog that prevents satellites take pictures. Nobita and his friends decide that if there is so much to discover, is certainly there....