Jacob Two-Two is a Canadian animated TV series based on a trilogy of books written by Mordecai Richler that first aired on Canadian children's channel YTV and aired on the French Canadian VRAK.TV as Jacob Jacob, in Spanish on Telemundo as Jacobo Dos Dos and in Portuguese on Canal Panda from Portugal as Jacob Dois Dois It also aired on ZigZap in the Poland and on Canal Futura from Brazil as 'Jacó Dois Dois'. It was produced by Nelvana; before being put on hiatus in 2005, it has 61 episodes. In th...
Ethan, Benny and fledgling vampire Sarah battle zombies, demons and the other supernatural beasties that regularly threaten their school....
Geeky 14-year old Ethan is left to babysit his younger sister, Jane, with his best friend Benny but after Ethan inadvertently puts Jane in harm's way, his parents hire a professional babysitter, the beautiful yet mysterious 17-year-old Sarah who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a fledgling vampire....