Flint the Time Detective, known in Japan as Space-Time Detective Genshi-kun, is an animated Japanese television series directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi. It was based on a manga by Hideki Sonoda and Akira Yamauchi and was published by Kodansha in Japan. The anime aired from 1998 to 1999 in Japan and ran for 39 episodes. In USA Flint the Time Detective airs from March 5, 2000 until November 5, 2000. The series also aired in the Philippines via GMA 7 and dubbed in Filipino language which runs from late...
Kyota and his pals Shingo and Junichi dream of becoming pop idols. At a New Year's show they get their lucky break when a Cosmopop agent discovers the trio and offers to manage their debut. Then things take a turn for the weird when Kyota begins having visions of magical girls battling one another in the air - only he's not dreaming! For centuries, five supernatural factions have waged war for supremacy over mankind with legend prophesizing that one day the Aquarian Age will begin and one group...
Sora, a young girl from Japan, comes to America in search of her dream. She wants, with all her heart, to be a member of the famous Kaleido Stage, a combination of musicals, acrobatics and magical effects. With the help of her friends, she struggles to make this dream come true....
Patapis are cute cyber pets that eat, sleep, play, and help their owners. When Hibari Hanakoganei receives a patapi from the prince of her dreams, mysterious forces try to steal it. Hibari discovers it's not an ordinary patapi. It can transform into a powerful cyber-fighter who looks like Hibari. Hibari's friends also receive similar patapis, and together they form the Cyber Team in Akihabara. Created by Tsukasa Kotobuki and Satoru Akahori....
Kusanagi Kei, a high-school student living with his aunt and uncle, has an encounter with a female alien. This alien is revealed to be a new teacher at his school. Later, he is forced to marry this alien to preserve her secrets. From there, various romantically-inclined problems crop up repeatedly....
Maiku Kamishiro grew up in an orphanage with no history of his family or of his past. Left with only a childhood picture of himself and another person in front of a house, he believes that the other person in the picture is his long lost twin sister. Upon discovering his old home, two young girls show up on his doorstep one day both claiming to be his long lost sister....
Nanako Shichigusa (16) works as a maid in the hospital of Dr. Kyogi Ogami. Nanako is a classic ditzy slapstick protagonist who tends to accidentally break things and do everything wrong. Ogami treats her frequently in a cruel or heartless manner—threatening her, yelling at her and even subjecting her to physical abuse—yet at the climax of every episode he comes through to rescue her from whatever predicament she got herself into. Much of the series revolves around the relationship between Nanako...
A boisterous comedy starring the perfectly invincible "Maidroid" Kurumi, a product of science and magic and boy named Nakahito, they manage to get into all sorts of trouble....
Najica, perfumer and secret agent, is sent out on a number of recovery missions to round up rogue androids with combat abilities. Najica is assigned an android partner, Lila, whom Najica is to groom as an agent and receive assistance from along the way....
Prince Mackaroo, known in Japan as Ojarumaru, is a Japanese manga series created by Rin Inumaru and published by Shogakukan and serialized in Ciao in 1993. The manga was republished by Shueisha and re-serialized in Saikyo Jump in 2011. It was adapted as an ongoing anime series produced by Gallop and broadcast on NHK beginning in October 1998. As of today, The show has become the second longest-running anime on NHK next to Nintama Rantaro....
Prince Mackaroo, known in Japan as Ojarumaru, is a Japanese manga series created by Rin Inumaru and published by Shogakukan and serialized in Ciao in 1993. The manga was republished by Shueisha and re-serialized in Saikyo Jump in 2011. It was adapted as an ongoing anime series produced by Gallop and broadcast on NHK beginning in October 1998. As of today, The show has become the second longest-running anime on NHK next to Nintama Rantaro....
Oozora Reiji isn't a lazy boy, he's just terribly unmotivated; all the clubs and activities he's joined don't interest him for long. That is, of course, until his best friend Yukino takes him to a underground arcade where an unbelievable virtual reality game is played - Dragon Drive - in which players fight each other with virtual dragons. Reiji ends up throwing all he's got into training a dragon so rare that the Dragon Drive staff are baffled. But soon Reiji learns that Dragon Drive isn't all ...
Sorcerer on the Rocks A.K.A. Chivas 1-2-3 is a spin-off of Sorcerer Hunters. As to why the name was change from Chivas 1-2-3, ADV Films didn't want to get into a legal fight with the Whiskey company of the same name. So, the name of the OVAs and the first name of the hero has been changed for the English Dub. The Original Story by Satoru Akahori and Miku Yuki, and was published in Media Works' MONTHLY DENGEKI COMIC GAO!...
Eleven young hearts with eleven dreams. Deep in their hearts, each girl has a secret dream of love and sadness. They meet together at Acropolis Tower to see if their dreams will come true. Imagine what happens when eleven average girls with eleven special talents join together to make the world a better place....
Candy, a fairy from Märchenland follows the shining light that leads to the five legendary PreCure warriors in order to fight Bad End Kingdom villains who are trying to vanquish the entire world to the “Worst Ending....
There is a small town somewhere in Japan, which is surrounded by nature. In this town, there is a large and gorgeous school, Otobashi Gakuen; which was founded to make the students familiar with nature. This story starts off with Kurusugawa Himeko. She is a normal student who goes to Otobashi Gakuen. She leads bright and enjoyable school days with her two friends, Himekawa Chikane and Oogami Souma. Chikane is the only daughter of a distinguished family. She excels at both academics and sports. S...
Years ago, the fearsome Pirate King, Gol D. Roger was executed leaving a huge pile of treasure and the famous "One Piece" behind. Whoever claims the "One Piece" will be named the new King of the Pirates. Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who consumed a "Devil Fruit," decides to follow in the footsteps of his idol, the pirate Shanks, and find the One Piece. It helps, of course, that his body has the properties of rubber and that he's surrounded by a bevy of skilled fighters and thieves to help him along th...
Yuzu Hieda, is a high schooler and one of three sisters, all of whom are Miko at the local Shinto shrine. When her childhood love returns, it is discovered that dark gods have a great interest in him and Yuzu is recruited to gather fellow female students into a "Miko Council" to fight off a full-scale mystic assault....
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie, aka UFO Princess Valkyrie, is an anime series that follows the story of Kazuto Tokino and the alien Princess, Valkyrie, who gives half her soul to Kazuto to save him after accidentally crashing her spaceship into Kazuto's family owned public bathhouse and nearly killing him. The splitting up of her soul turned her into a child, but whenever she kisses Kazuto, Valkyrie returns to her adult form for a limited time, and regains the use of her special powers....
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie, aka UFO Princess Valkyrie, is an anime series that follows the story of Kazuto Tokino and the alien Princess, Valkyrie, who gives half her soul to Kazuto to save him after accidentally crashing her spaceship into Kazuto's family owned public bathhouse and nearly killing him. The splitting up of her soul turned her into a child, but whenever she kisses Kazuto, Valkyrie returns to her adult form for a limited time, and regains the use of her special powers....
Three young girls, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu, are transported to a magical world called Cephiro during a field trip to Tokyo Tower. They are soon greeted by Master Mage Clef, who explains to them that they have been summoned to become the Legendary Magic Knights and save Cephiro. The girls are less than enthusiastic about this idea, and only want to return home. Clef further explains that they must seek out the three Rune Gods to help them fight. He bestows armor and magical powers to each of them. T...
Nazca is an anime series created by Yoshihiko Inamoto. It is about a group of people who are reincarnations of ancient Inca warriors who have returned to re-enact a civil war that resulted in the fall of the Inca Empire. Miura Kyoji, a dedicated kendo student, discovers that his instructor, Tate Masanari, is a reincarnated Inca warrior named Yawaru who wishes to destroy the world to purify it. Kyoji himself is the warrior Bilka, who foiled Yawaru's plans in their previous lives. As Yawaru gathe...
Jiyu Nanohana is modern highschool girl and unwilling heir to the Yagyu Jubei school of swordsmanship....
Kyotaro Ichikawa, a boy barely clinging to the bottom rung of his school's social ladder, secretly believes he’s the tortured lead in some psychological thriller. He spends his days dreaming up ways to disrupt his classmates' peaceful lives and pining after Anna Yamada, the class idol. But Kyotaro's not nearly the troubled teen he pretends to be…and it turns out Anna's a bit odd herself!...
Chihaya and Kagetsuya, two polar-opposite angels from the planet Eden, travel to Earth to track the positive and negative actions of its inhabitants, Earthians. Once 10,000 minus checks are gathered against Earth, the planet will be destroyed. One of many pairs of angels judging the planet, Chihaya and Kagetsuya quarrel vigorously at first but gradually develop a special relationship with each other....
Set in the early 24th century against the backdrop of the city of Neo Venezia on the planet Mars. No longer the barren red planet, Mars has been flooded, inhabited and is something of a tourist hub for those looking for rest, relaxation and a gondola ride – the primary mode of travel in Neo Venezia. The Undines are professional gondoliers, tour guides for the people passing through. Akari Mizunashi is an Undine in training and this is a piece of her story....
Tairaku is a teacher at a local high school. He has a crush on Ms. Satsuki, a fellow teacher whom he hopes to someday marry. Then he meets Aya Shirakaba, upon whom he makes such a favorable impression that she transfers into his class. Unfortunately, Aya's father is a very wealthy and powerful yakuza boss, who charges Tairaku with keeping his daughter safe and pure—or else. Add to that the hordes of men and women at school who'd love to get their hands on Aya's body, and that Aya has secretly mo...
Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride....
Ever met the perfect girl? Did she have the perfect boyfriend? Feel like you can't compete? Why not build your own? When an amateur mad scientist attempts to build a robotic duplicate of this dream girl, Marie is the result. Of course, there are the usual unexpected complications. He built her so well that Marie has a mind of her own and a whole host of questions to go with it. The same questions that each of us ask of life. Where did I come from? Why am I here? Why do I look just like that girl...
Idol Shiratori Nagisa misses combat and martial arts, so she dresses up as a schoolboy and enrolls in the most roughed-up school she can find. She develops a crush on one guy, who...thinks she's a boy... But it works out. Now she has to juggle life as an Idol and a schoolboy. All the while, wannabe Idols try to steal Nagisa's spotlight. And in Nagisa's wild world, there's nothing that can't happen....
Tokyo, 1969. Earth is under attack from the "Invaders." The public is unaware of this but to the secret organization, A.E.G.I.S., the threat is known, and it is up them and their special powered "Gate Keepers" to stop this invasion....
Konohana Kitan is the heartwarming story of a new apprentice named Yuzu, and the other fox girls who work at a hot spring hotel called Konohatei. The staff at Konohatei live by one belief: no matter who one may truly be, no matter what, anyone who is a guest is a god. Of course, that includes you. Let the hospitality of Yuzu and the Konohatei heal your tired soul....
Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey in search of the Winged Maiden who was bound to the sky centuries ago after hearing the old childhood tale from his mother. As Yukito shows his puppet show to people in an attempt to make some money, he finds himself in a small town in which he did not expect to stay very long. However, when he meets an unusual girl named Misuzu, things take a drastic turn as he is invited to stay with her....
Takamine Kiyomaro, a depressed don't-care-about-the-world guy, was suddenly given a little demon named Zatch Bell to take care of. Little does he know that Zatch is embroiled in an intense fight to see who is the ruler of the demon world....
Ryunosuke Natsume has no idea his household helper is really the super sexy hero Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, he just feels lucky to have the lovely girl so close. Nuku, on the other hand, while trying to take care of her newly adopted family, battles with the temper of Ryunosuke's mother, Nuku's lost memories and the evil that lurks inside Mishima, the most powerful company in Maneki City! As Mishima unleashes new and more terrorizing weapons in an attempt to take down Nuku, placing Maneki City in a cl...
Wandering the lands of Japan - Ran is a master swordsman with a strong sense of honor combined with the courage and strength to right wrongs and battle injustice. But that doesn't stop her from having a good time! Stuck with an unwanted traveling companion, Myao, the two will bring law and order to the countryside... if they don't kill each other first. A comedic, action drama from start to finish - the way of the Samurai will never be the same!...
Momosuke is a young man with a dream: to travel Japan and collect one hundred stories. He journeys from place to place, searching for tales of the paranormal and bizarre, hoping to collect tales to publish in his book. However, the calm of Momosuke's life soon is shattered by a chance meeting with three sinister beings: Mataichi the priest, Nagamimi the bird-caller, and the beautiful Ogin. Soon, Momosuke learns that there might be more to his newfound comrades than first meets the eye......
Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon....
Idol Shiratori Nagisa misses combat and martial arts, so she dresses up as a schoolboy and enrolls in the most roughed-up school she can find. She develops a crush on one guy, who...thinks she's a boy... But it works out. Now she has to juggle life as an Idol and a schoolboy. All the while, wannabe Idols try to steal Nagisa's spotlight. And in Nagisa's wild world, there's nothing that can't happen....
While investigating the legend of the mythical Pokémon Arceus, Ash, Goh and Dawn uncover a plot by Team Galactic that threatens the world....
Throughout the galaxy, two villians destory and pillage anything in their path. Their names are Cross and Chaos, and they are ready to invade their next target: Earth. The only defense against these warriors are the Iczelions, a fusion of young girls, and Iczels, sentient body armor. Nagisa is a typical high school girl who is about to become the next Iczelion against her will, to defend the planet and save the human race! But not if she has anything to say about it......
Sevalle, an elite breed whose mastery of martial arts has made them legendary. But for the 59th Sevalle, Elle Ragu, a.k.a. Shadow Skill, being a legend is shaping up to be something of a drag. After all, adventure alone doesn't pay the rent, and living check to check takes its toll on even the fiercest warrior. Strong as an ox and stubborn as a mule she may be, but it's drinking like a fish that usually gets Elle in trouble. And as she travels alongside her brother Gau, leaving property damage ...
A 3-episode 3DCGI Original Video Animation in 2007 based on the Franchise of the same name....
It has been thirty two years since the Invaders have been defeated, and A.E.G.I.S is dismantled, with only a few Gate Keepers left. One of them, Ayane Isuzu learns that Machine General and Devil Count are back and they must save the Earth once more....
When Natsume Atsuko, nicknamed Nuku Nuku, comes to live with Ryounosuke's family, he falls in love instantly. After all, to all appearances, she's a beautiful, normal - if slightly ditzy - teenage girl. In reality, however, she's an all-purpose cat-brained andorobot who's escaped from Mishima Heavy Industries' research laboratories. She's not supposed to use her special powers, but when more of Mishima's experiments run amuck and her friends are threatened, she'll do whatever she can to save th...
The story is based around 11-year-old Saga Bergman, a young girl in a small German town called Muhlenberg (based on real town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber). Saga lives with her grandmother Regina and works in a coffee shop when not in school. Saga is extremely structured and plans her life down to the minute. One day, she notices a tiny creature in a fluffy outfit that appears to be starving. She offers it a waffle, which helps revive the tiny creature. Saga learns that this tiny creature is Suga...
Daa! Daa! Daa! UFO Baby is a Japanese children's animated television series produced by J.C.Staff, Directed by Hiroaki Sakurai, and was aired on NHK-BS2 from March 28, 2000 to February 26, 2002....
Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey in search of the Winged Maiden who was bound to the sky centuries ago after hearing the old childhood tale from his mother. As Yukito shows his puppet show to people in an attempt to make some money, he finds himself in a small town in which he did not expect to stay very long. However, when he meets an unusual girl named Misuzu, things take a drastic turn as he is invited to stay with her....
Neo-Venezia has reached a long winter. Ai, Azusa and Anya, who were practicing jointly in the cold weather, visit the Undine Museum, led by Akira who seems not her usual self. At the museum, the trio meet its director, Asuka who is Akira's senior known as Himeya's legendary undine. The two of them are the successors to a gondola that has been carefully passed down since the founding of Himeya Company. However, Akira reveals that Aika, who is expected to inherit the gondola, has no intention of d...
A long time ago, a winged maiden was held prisoner in a castle - cursed never to experience love, lest she die. Centuries later, in a sleepy coastal town, a young girl relives this agony....
During the WGP's Royal Festival Cup, an unknown machine called the "Gun Bluster XTO" and its owner Rion Cusco appears racing without control and causing various riots with fellow racers. This makes Go's Cyclone Magnum reach the goal but a dissatisfied Go and the TRF Victorys decides to pursuit the situation. This was all due to the Gun Bluster's special GP Chip invented by Professor Cusco gone haywire while emitting strange EM waves, making the machine a powerful weapon. To avoid further destru...
The movie transports the Precure into a world inside a picture book, where they are guided by Niko, a mysterious inhabitant of the picture book world....
Akari finds herself nervous coaching a new undine as a Prima, until she awakens to find that it is just a dream. To soothe her worries, Alicia recalls stories of her beginnings as a Prima, as well as the memories she made....
Determined to prove its superiority, a bio-engineered Pokémon called Mewtwo lures Ash, Pikachu and others into a Pokemon match like none before....
Mewtwo - Prologue to Awakening is a special episode of the Pokémon anime, serving as a prologue to Genesect and the Legend Awakened....
Now that Akari Mizunashi is a Prima Undine and head of the Aria Company with her own apprentice, Ai Aino, she can't help but reminisce about her time as a Single. She has new responsibilities and much less time on her hands, but these changes bring with them new forms of miracles that Neo Venezia can give. Growing up into new roles is hard, but Akari can always count on the friends she's made on Aqua in times of need....
A vengeful teru teru bozu-like monster called Miden is stealing all of the Cures' magical powers and memories, turning them into helpless infants, barring Nagisa Misumi and Hana Nono. They must help the affected Cures to regain their abilities and fight off this new menance....
Hiroshi Karigari is a college student who has secretly built an android modeled after a tennis club member he is in love with named Marie. Introduced as Hiroshi's sister, Marie Karigari is a sentient robot who feels a deep affection for her creator. Both have a hard time trying to conceal her true identity in order to keep their current peaceful lifestyle....
The last movie of a four-part finale of Tamayura....
The second movie of a four-part finale of Tamayura....
As Fu and her friends begin their third and final year of high school, the photography club gets two new members; freshman Takumi Shindou and sophomore Suzune Maekawa. Thinking about what to do after graduation, Fu decides she wants to pursue a career combining photography and travelling. Afterwards, Fu's family tell Fu about the time she took a picture of her father and first learned about "tamayura" from him. Later, as Chihiro and Tomo pay a visit for the Bamboo Festival, announcing that they ...
Lily went to an amusement park using the frog as its symbol character with her parents. At the Frog Castle of the park, she happened to draw a sword. It was said that the Frog King would grant any wish if one beat the big snake with the sword. When Lily beat the snake, she went to the Frog Land and met the Frog King. The king said she would become a frog if she couldn't open the Gate of Hope until a child would hatch from the roe in front of her. Suddenly, a man in suits appeared. His name was K...
Dejiko decided to take a vacation and visit her home, Planet Di Gi Charat, together with Puchiko, Gema, and (accidentally) Rabi~en~Rose. However, Piyoko and her aids would not let go this chance to capture her....
A film adaptation of the 'Spooky Kitaro' story of the same name....
Fifteen years ago in a barren stretch of the Pacific, a cruise ship collided with an iceberg and was lost at sea. More than a decade later, Hideto Yashiro—a ship engineer—died in a fatal car accident. The unlikely connection between these events only comes to light on the luxury liner St. Aphrodite during her maiden voyage. Aboard it on a much needed vacation, Kogorou Mouri, his daughter Ran, Conan Edogawa, and the Detective Boys enjoy a trip provided by Sonoko Suzuki's family. But their fun is ...
Kitarou, a ghost, spends his afterlife helping humans in need of his skills. He thwarts the plans of evil spirits who live to torment humanity. In this episode The Western demons hijacked the Phantom Train. Kitaro and his friends must stop this crime....
Kitaro is a yōkai boy born in a cemetery and, aside from his mostly decayed father, the last living member of the Ghost Tribe (幽霊族 yūrei zoku?). He is missing his left eye, but his hair usually covers the empty socket. He fights for peace between humans and yōkai, which generally involves protecting the former from the wiles of the latter....
Kenta, a Pokemon master in the making, meets up with his childhood friend, Marina, at a Pokemon Center, to see how their skills have developed. Their battle is interrupted by a thunderstorm and the arrival of Bashou and Buson, two Rocket-dan members using the Crystal System (which attracts Electric-type Pokemon). Their ultimate goal is to, under the guidance of professor Shiranui, bring Pokemon back to Sakaki. Kenta and Marina stumble upon this plan, and they try to stop it, but things get more ...
At a giant beachside mansion, Pikachu and some of its buddies decide to play a game of hide-and-seek. Pikachu is “it,” and it goes off in search of its friends. Meanwhile, Larvitar, sick of being all by itself, kicks a rock in anger. The rock hurtles through the air—and hits a lawnmower, turning it on and sending it tearing off after Pikachu and its friends! The group draws the lawnmower into a maze and even gets it into the water, but the lawnmower just keeps on chasing. The Pokémon build a roa...
Riding home atop a train, the Pichu Brothers suddenly find themselves knocked off and flying through the air! They hit a Wynaut on their way down, bringing all three of them to the forest where Pikachu, Totodile, and some more friends are playing in a waterfall and building a campfire. When it starts to rain, the group takes shelter in a water mill—but the water mill starts moving! The next morning, the whole group decides to work together to make sure the Pichu Brothers make their train. Will t...
On their way through the Battle Frontier, Ash and friends meet up with a Pokémon Ranger who's mission is to deliever the egg of Manaphy to a temple on the ocean's floor. However, a greedy pirate wants the power of Manaphy to himself....
After accepting an invitation from a mysterious trainer, Ash, Misty and Brock meet Mewtwo, an artificially created Pokémon who wants to do battle....
Meowth is in charge of the Team Rocket secret base, a mysterious place full of odd gadgets and gizmos. Desperate to impress the boss, Meowth wants to use the Dancing PokéBaton—a device that lets users control Pokémon as they please—to create a show that’s sure to wow. Meanwhile, Pikachu and its friends finish up playing in the forest and stumble on the base. The gang hears Whismur, the Whisper Pokémon, crying for help—but when they try to make their rescue, the Dancing PokéBaton goes off and sen...
It's double trouble in the big city! Pikachu is lost, and the Pichu Bros. must help their new pal get back before Ash notices his Pokémon is missing. It's a race against the clock that has the duo dragging Pikachu into one disaster after another!...
When the sadness of her father's disappearance gets to Molly Hale, she unknowingly uses the Unown to create her own dream world along with Entei, who she believes to be her father. When Entei kidnaps Ash's mother, Ash — alongside Misty and Brock — invade the mansion looking for his mom and trying to stop the mysteries of Molly's Dream World and Entei!...
The Team Rocket leader, Giovanni, has found Mewtwo in a remote area of the Johto region. As Giovanni tries to re-capture Mewtwo, Ash and his friends are kidnapped by Domino, a new Team Rocket member, while trying to rescue Pikachu from Jessie and James. The Clone Pokemon are also captured and are then used as bait for Mewtwo. The situation then becomes a battle between the wills of Mewtwo and Giovanni; and Mewtwo also tries to discover if it and the clones have a purpose in life, even though the...
There’s a party at Sylveon’s house, and you’re invited! Join Pikachu, Oshawott, Axew, and Pansage as they have fun with Eevee and all of its evolved forms!...
Deoxys, a Pokémon from outer space, terrorizes the high-tech city Ash Ketchum and his friends are visiting....
In the legendary past, before Poké Balls were invented, an aura-guiding hero Pokémon named Lucario sensed two groups of armies about to clash, and a threat of a massive war in front of Oldoran Castle in Kanto that would leave no survivors. He transferred this message to his master, the legendary hero Arlon, while he was being attacked by a violent group of Hellgar. During the battle, his sense of sight was lost and he was rendered unable to see. He used the detection of his Aura, and so with the...
When Giratina is discovered to be able to create parallel dimensions, it's up to Ash and his friends to stop a mysterious stranger from using its powers for evil....
The story of "The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon" centers on a Pokémon scientist who has developed a new Mirage System to resurrect extinct Pokémon. Satoshi, Haruka, Masato, and Takeshi show up at the Mirage Mansion for a demonstration of this new machine, only to witness the kidnapping of the scientist! Then a mysterious stranger appears and claims that the machine can actually create Pokémon without weaknesses. It’s up to Satoshi and company to preserve the natural balance of the Pokémon world....
Kindaichi, Miyuki and Fumi are invited to the resort of the Deep Blue Island by their senpai Akane, the daughter of the president of the Aizawa Group. A group of criminals infiltrate the hotel diguised as waiters to kill the members of the Aizawa Group. The criminals don't know their boss in person, and they don't know either that he's in the hotel with the members of the Aizawa Group....
Universal Century 0079. The One Year War rages on, and Shiro Amada and his unit, the 08th MS team, continue their struggle against Zeon forces in the jungles of Southeast Asia. But recent events have put them under close scrutiny by Federation leaders. Alice Miller, an officer of the Federation Intelligence Division, has been dispatched to ascertain the truth behind a series of events leading to the capture of a new enemy mobile armor. As she begins her investigation, the lines between Federatio...
Ash and friends (this time accompanied by newcomer Dawn) arrive at an idyllic village on their way to their next Pokemon contest, where chaos will soon erupt with the prophecy of two Pokemon Gods (Dialga and Palkia) and the arrival of a mysterious, seemingly deadly Pokemon named Darkrai, which has the power to distort space and time....
The season is fall and the city of Neo-Venezia is covered in fallen leaves. Something is bothering Anya, who works at Orange Planet. Her senior colleagues Alice and Athena haven't seen each other due to their busy schedules, which is making Athena feel sad. But for some reason, Alice seems to be avoiding her altogether. With her friends Ai and Azusa's help, Anya tries to find a definitive way for Alice and Athena to get together. But during this time, Anya learns of a situation that only she can...
As the sun shines down, Wigglytuff was setting up Pokémon balloons, Lombre was setting up Pokémon masks, Mudkip was setting up drinks, Snorunt was making ice cream, and Swablu was making Pokémon prize bags for stands at the festival. Pikachu, Plusle, and Minun run on the beach and stop to see the Pokémon festival which also has a large stage in the middle. They are happy to be at a festival....
While Nozomi and her friends are enjoying themselves at Princess Land, an amusement park, Coco and Nuts have been abducted into the Mirror Kingdom. At the same time, Shadow is after the Dream Collet so that he can use the power of the Pinkies to rule the Mirror Kingdom. To prevent this from happening, Migirin and Hidarin, who are residents of the Mirror Kingdom, become allies with Pretty Cure to assist in the fight against Shadow and rescuing Coco and Nuts. Source: Wapedia...
In the city of Minato Mirai in Yokohama, the news of Fusion's defeat by the Pretty Cures is the hottest topic in town! Girls everywhere, were in love with the Pretty Cures, are dressing up and acting as their favourite Cures. Only Sakagami Ayumi, the new transfer student, is alone by herself. On her way home from school, Ayumi encounters a strange creature. After naming it Fuu-chan, Ayumi and the creature soon become good friends. However, Fuu-chan is actually a piece of Fusion, and holds the p...
One day, the Pretty Cures receive an invitation to a party in their honor. Everyone is heading to the party venue, the school of fairies, but awaits a mysterious shadow. The shadow steals transformation objects! What can they do? If the Cures can not be converted are in big trouble! If this continues, the school, our world and everything else will deborado by that shadow! The 32 Pretty Cures will fight to protect everyone!...