Vídeo Show is a long-running Brazilian TV program on Globo TV. From its debut in 1983 to 1994, the show aired weekly. Since then, it has been airing from Monday to Friday at 1:45 pm, following the lunchtime news, Jornal Hoje and being one of the most-watched afternoon shows. Currently hosted by the actor André Marques, its format is that of a daily "electronic magazine", where the network's backstages are shown, with on-set and behind-the-scenes footage on Globo's series and telenovelas, includ...
The search for a successor provokes the beginning of a clash between two young and talented executives of his group: Daniel Bastos, a lad of simple origins and excellent character, who is not only handsome and charming, but also intelligent and skilled, and Olavo Novaes, an ambitious and unscrupulous man who is ready to fight for the position, at any cost. To fight against Olavo‘s treacherous plans, Daniel will have the help of the sweet and sensitive Paula, a young lady raised as an only child ...
A sketch show satirizing Brazilian television programs....
Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School....
Brazilian version of the reality game show in which a group of houseguests live together 24 hours a day, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy. Each week a guest is voted out of the house until only the winner remains....
The Voice Brasil is a current Brazilian reality talent show which premiered on Rede Globo on September 23, 2012. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, the series was created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. The show is currently broadcast on Sunday afternoons, before the traditional Sunday soccer matches, in a total of 13 weekly episodes. The season finale aired on December 16, 2012 with Ellen Oléria as winner....
Superstar is a Brazilian television program in the talent show format. Based on Israeli "Rising Star"....
A successful businesswoman in the music industry sees her life fall apart after a young and mysterious woman starts work as her secretary. The scheming girl is totally obsessed by the famous businesswoman and she tries to steal everything from her, including her career....
After waking from a coma, Tino learns his future in-laws have given him a high-powered financial job, for which he is woefully unqualified....
Based on the book O Fantástico Mistério de Feiurinha, the story combines real world and fantasy, dream and determination, with a surprising end, even for a fairy tale. The movie shows the fight of the fairy tale characters, now adults, who come together to recover the fable of the Little Ugly Princess, a beautiful Princess with a strange name, which only makes sense for those who know her story. The problem is that children and adults have forgotten the story of the Little Ugly Princess, which i...
Andréa, a poor telemarketing salesgirl, dreams of being a singer. Her rich boyfriend Fred hires a musical producer, Marcelo, to turn her into a star. But she and Marcelo end up falling in love....