Gooische Vrouwen is a Dutch comedy-drama series, created by Linda de Mol for her brother John de Mol's TV network Tien in 2005. However, after the show's second season, Tien went bankrupt and Gooische Vrouwen was transferred to RTL4, where it ran for three more seasons until its finale in 2009. After its 42-episode run the show was followed by a theatrically released feature film in 2011. The show chronicles the everyday lives of four female friends living in het Gooi. Gooische Vrouwen has sinc...
Alfred J. Kwak is a cartoon television series based on a Dutch theatre show by Herman van Veen and was co-produced by VARA, Telecable Benelux B.V. and TV Tokyo and first shown in 1989. It consists of 52 episodes. The series characters were designed by Harald Siepermann. There are also toys and a comic based on the animated series. The series has been broadcast in many countries and has been dubbed and subtitled in Dutch, French, Japanese, Greek, English, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, Hungar...
Danni Lowinski is a hairdresser in need of money who decides to become a lawyer....
Bagels & Bubbels follows the impossible love story of two young people with a completely different life who meet each other by destiny. What happens when a simple baker's boy falls in love with an international superstar?...
Flikken Rotterdam takes place in Rotterdam, and is after Flikken Maastricht the second Dutch spin-off of the Flemish show Flikken....
Merel, a single midwife, is done with men, but her biological clock is ticking inexorably. And yes, she gets pregnant. However, the whole family suddenly seems pregnant. Her 60-plus father Piet has just become a father again with his young partner and her 23-year-old niece Eva is also expecting. Annet, Merel's older sister, who suffers from the empty nest syndrome, has a husband Theo who only wants to travel because he thinks is too young to become a grandfather....
Registration of the play that opened the Holland Festival in 1980, written by Wim T. Schippers. Mr and Mrs Schaambergen receive two free tickets to a piece of modern art....
From different time perspectives, Sloophamer tells the story of 55-year-old Dirk, who one Friday afternoon returns to his house in the pleasant street where he leads a happy life. He is proud of the house he has converted into a snug little palace with his own hands. But then, suddenly, a wrecker's ball knocks a gaping hole into the outside wall. Dirk's wife quickly explains that the house is going to be demolished, but the bull-headed Dirk refuses to vacate the place. Still, the overseer of the...
The relationship between Wolfs and Eva will be put to the test. Wolfs is imprisoned for stealing money from the government and Eva tries to forget about him. When Wolfs regains his freedom due to a technicality, he associates himself with a bunch of criminals. Wolfs and Eva meet again in a world where where not everything is what it seems......
Four-part musical about the life of Dutch actress Fien de la Mar, chronicling her earliest days on stage with her father, her glory days as a stage and movie star and the building her own theatre, up until the tragic end of her life....
Olli (17) juggles a job at a local warehouse with a dark side hustle as a burglar. The timid teen transforms into a calculating thief as soon as he puts on his mask. But how long before his conscience intervenes?...
Recording of a Dutch performance of the musical Elisabeth. It portrays the life and death of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, also known as "Sisi", the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I, from her engagement and marriage in 1854 to her murder in 1898 at the hands of the Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni; it focuses on her growing obsession with death, as her marriage and the empire crumble around her just before the turn of the 20th century....