Ramayan, based on Valmiki's Ramayan and Tulsidas's Ramcharitmanas, as well as Chakbasta's Urdu Ramayan, is an Indian television series produced by Sagar Arts which aired on NDTV Imagine. It is also partly derived from portions of Kambar's Kambaramayanam, Bhavarth Ramayan, Krittivasi Ramayan by Krittibas Ojha, Shree Rangnath Ramayana by Gona Budda Reddy, Ramchandra Charit Puranam by Abhinavpamp Nagchandra, Adhyatama Ramayanam by Tunjat Eluchan, Shree Anand Ramayan by Pt. Ramlagna Pandey. It is a...
Crime Patrol attempts to bring stories of crime happening all around the country. However the case presentation would be a story telling form that would have the interest of a fiction drama presentation....
A two-bit actor faces challenges after he is asked by Police to impersonate a look-alike gangster....