La Otra is a Mexican telenovela that was produced by Televisa and aired on El Canal de las Estrellas from 20 May through 20 September 2002. It aired on Univision in the United States from October 14, 2002 through February 28, 2003. It stars Yadhira Carrillo as both Carlota Guillen Sáenz and Cordelia Portugal, identical strangers whose lives collide upon becoming involved with Álvaro Ibáñez. "The Best Telenovela of the Year"...
Pasión Prohibida is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Television Studios, Miami. It is a remake of the Turkish telenovela Aşk-ı Memnu by Ece Yörenç and Melek Gençoğlu. It has been adapted from Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil's novel Aşk-ı Memnu, published in 1900, but takes place in the modern-day Miami, instead of the novel's late 19th century setting. Jencarlos Canela and Mónica Spear starred as the protagonists....
Niña... Amada Mia is a telenovela that premiered in 2003. It is a production of Angelli Nesma and the protagonists are Sergio Goyri and Karyme Lozano. Premiered in other countries, like in Greece in 2004 with the title 'Νίνα'. by repeating the 2005 and 2006....
Relaciones Peligrosas, originally known as Fisico o Quimica, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami. It is an adaptation of the Spanish television series Física o Química. It has Sandra Echeverría, Gabriel Coronel, Maritza Bustamante, Gonzalo García Vivanco, Jonathan Freudman, Mercedes Molto, Carlos Ferro, Daniela Navarro, Renato Rossini, Kevin Aponte and Ana Layevska in the leading roles of the plot....
Por Un Beso is Mexican telenovela. It was written by Inés Rodena and Gabriela Ortigoza, and directed by Alfredo Gurrola....
Gotita de amor is a Mexican drama broadcast by Canal de las Estrellas, starring Laura Flores and Álex Ibarra. The novela also stars Andrea Lagunes in her first lead role as the protagonist Chabelita....
Diego, a successful young lawyer who is engaged to the daughter of his boss, is sent to the Mexican Caribbean to illegally get the land of fishermen who operate and protect it from urbanization. Mary, a lovely Caribbean woman, who works at the hotel where Diego is staying, call his attention, not only for her figure, but for her values and meaning of life that she teaches him during his trip....