Jimmy Two-Shoes is a Canadian animated television series that aired on Disney XD in the United Kingdom and in the USA, and Teletoon in Canada. The series were centered around the exploits of the happy-go-lucky titular character Jimmy, who lives in Miseryville, a miserable town filled with monsters and demon-like creatures. The series were created by Edward Kay and Sean Scott. The series is rated G in Canada and TV-Y7 in the United States. The show premiered on February 21, 2009, ending its run i...
A group of big-hearted best friends go on adventures, solve problems and make the most of their beautiful home, Heartlake City....
Luna Petunia follows the adventures of a girl who lives in our world and plays in a dreamland where she learns how to make the impossible possible....
As a young associate, Mitchell McDeere brought down the prestigious Memphis law firm of Bendini, Lambert & Locke, which operated as a front for the Chicago mob—and his life was never the same. After a difficult decade, which included a stay in the Federal Witness Protection program, Mitch and his family now emerge from isolation to reclaim their lives and their future—only to find that past dangers are still lurking and new threats are everywhere....
The Bagel and Becky Show (also known as Dave Cooper's The Bagel and Becky Show or simply Bagel and Becky) is an animated television series created by Dave Cooper (co-creator of Nickelodeon's Pig Goat Banana Cricket) and produced by Radical Sheep Productions for Teletoon. The series is distributed by BBC Worldwide. It debuted on Teletoon+ in Poland on November 14, 2016. The Bagel and Becky Show is about siblings Bagel the dog and Becky the cat as they explore Awkward Falls after having one of Mo...
Superbuns saves the day with the power of a kind heart as she helps her friends daily....
This series is a reboot of Jay Ward and Bill Scott’s 1967 American animated television series of the same name, which in turn is a spoof of the fictional character Tarzan, created by Edgar Rice Burroughs....
Ace and Polly are just your ordinary pet birds by day and amazing superheroes, well, also by day! Join them as they go on epic adventures to save their city from the wackiest animal bad guys!...
Ten-year-old Vida, is an animal doctor who nurtures the charming and silly woodland creatures who live outside her home. Is there a fox with a sprained paw? A turtle with an itchy toe? A tiger with an aching tooth? Vida is the vet for the job! With quick thinking, a doctor's intuition and the help of her closest friends, Vida helps adorable animals and makes sure they get the care they need....
This Canadian cartoon focuses on two monkey brothers named Gus and Wally who are in outer space working as GASI agents (Galactic Animal Space Institute agents, so no pun intended!). They are accompanied by their robot friend YAY-OK and their boss Dr. Chimpsky as they are sent on missions to accomplish different tasks, including defeating their enemies....
Handy and inventive pup Tag chases adventure with her best pal, Scooch, solving problems and helping the citizens of Pawston along the way....
Handy and inventive pup Tag chases adventure with her best pal, Scooch, solving problems and helping the citizens of Pawston along the way....
Scott Pilgrim meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, only to find out her seven evil exes stand in the way of their love....
Some of the original "Total Drama" characters enter into an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers....
In Zokie of Planet Ruby, quirky 10-year-old vlogger Ruby discovers her only video channel follower is a tail-zapping space alien from the planet Pudge named Zokie Sparkleby, and they quickly become best friends. Along with their friend Earl, a talking con-man squirrel, Ruby teaches Zokie about her version of Earth, while Zokie learns to control his unpredictable powers....
When just-turned-ten Jesse Cameron wishes for his birthday party to disappear, he and his pals end up in a magical new world where they go on a quest to find his wish and get back home....
Monster Math Squad stars MAX, LILY and GOO. The Squad love nothing better than to put their monster minds together and use their math skills to overcome any obstacle they face....
This series takes the contestants back to Camp Wawanakwa, only this time with thirteen new contestants; Anne Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Sam, Scott, Staci, and Zoey. Additionally the island is radioactive due to becoming a nuclear waste dump. This new season has new friendships, new rivalries, new relationships, and the biggest drama to date....
Stoked is a Canadian animated TV series produced by Fresh TV Inc. It is produced by Jennifer Pertsch and Tom McGillis and premiered on Teletoon on June 25, 2009. It airs on Teletoon in Canada and ABC3 in Australia, and formerly aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is from the same creators as 6teen and the Total Drama series....
Before one night changed their lives, woodchuck brothers Dilweed and Fungus never saw themselves as heroes. But during a late-night-TV infomercial, they ordered a Woodchuck Morris kung-fu video. Now, they have made it their mission to become just as awesome as their kung-fu mentor. Misguided but with good intentions, the brothers become obsessed with using their newfound skills to protect the citizens in their town of Ding-a-Ling Springs. Dilweed and Fungus take on a never-ending quest to fight ...
The adventures of Chris and Martin Kratt as they encounter incredible wild animals, combining science education with fun and adventure as the duo travels to animal habitats around the globe....
After finding out her grandmother won't be visiting for Christmas, Lucy decides to cheer herself up by throwing the ultimate New Year's Eve party. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown tries to fulfill one of his resolutions before the clock strikes midnight....
Family frenemies, Gracie and Pedro, must put their differences aside, embarking on a thrilling quest packed with perilous escapades in order to reunite with their owners....
When Josh gets the opportunity of a lifetime to audition for Rainbow Puppy’s Broadway musical, Josh and Blue skidoo to NYC for the very first time where they meet new friends and discover the magic of music, dance, and following one’s dreams....
When Sandy and Carly set out to make an art project together, Sandy focuses on its form and Carly focuses on its function. But when their ideas clash and the project fails, they learn that it needs the right mix of both of their ideas to succeed....
Strawberry Shortcake takes her friends to her home town....
When Duncan destroys the school using a hazardous app, Chef ends up with a big cash settlement, but rather than rebuilding the school, he takes the kids on a cross country adventure to the infamous Sir Splashalot’s waterpark, where a mix-up with a lunchbox leads to an unpredictable adventure....
The real-life Chris and Martin introduce each Wild Kratts episode with a live action segment that imagines what it would be like to experience a never- before-seen wildlife moment, and asks, 'What if...?'...
Spring has sprung in Rainbow City, and Wuzzle Wegg Day is right around the corner! But Bartleby's convinced that a Wegg-stealing monster is on the loose....
Trevor is a true believer in the holiday spirit, so his skeptical best friend, Veronica, challenges him to show the world actual proof that Santa is real! Trevor and his friends embark on the adventure of a lifetime to catch Santa in action and reveal the true magic of Christmas. But they've got to find Santa before LeFreeze - a dim-witted monster who's carrying a serious 100-year-old grudge - and his snowman minions put Christmas on ice forever!...