Celebrity Mastermind is a British television quiz show broadcast by BBC television. The show is a spin-off of the long-running quiz show Mastermind, with the exception that all the contestants are celebrities. As with the main show, John Humphrys is the host and question-master. Magnus Magnusson was quizmaster on the 2003/04 episodes featuring Jonathan Meades as winner....
Talented chefs battle it out against the clock, creating delicious dishes in 20 minutes...
Embarrassing Bodies is a British television programme broadcast by Channel 4 and made by Maverick Television since 2007. In 2011, an hour long live show was introduced, "Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic", which makes use of Skype technology. Various spin-offs have been produced in relation to the programme to target different patients, such as Embarrassing Fat Bodies and Embarrassing Teenage Bodies. The show has a strong multiplatform presence on web and mobile....
Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman present a celebrity version of the general knowledge quiz in which contestants try to come up with the answers that nobody else could think of....
Collection of highlights from the first and second series of British comic Sarah Millican's show about television. The programme includes stand-up routines, sketches and interviews with stars. In this collection Sarah has a makeover à la 'Geordie Shore', bakes scones with chef Paul Hollywood and attempts to do a forward roll with help from gymnast Beth Tweddle and commentary from sports presenter Clare Balding....