Nytt på nytt is a Norwegian version of the British comedy programme Have I Got News for You, by the production company Hat Trick Productions. The programme is aired weekly on Friday nights. The show is a competition between two panels, where one panelist is permanent, and the other is a guest. The goal is to solve several tasks. The element of competition is largely ignored in favour of the witty remarks and the banter between panelists. The scores are generally overlooked, and have only a brief...
Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought....
How funny could it be when Norwegian comedians doing normal everyday things? That's something Odd-Magnus and Henrik want to find out....
Humorist Anne-Kat. Hærland and rock legend Petter Baarli make up the novice part of the crew on Jarle Andhøy's new Berserk expedition. Emotions are lubricated in thick layers as they sail in the waters of the ancient whaling pioneers....
After a bad divorce life gets complicated for Linda. Her ex has found a beautiful model who gradually is more and more of a mother to Linda's 10-year-old daughter, as well as redoing their house. Even her best friend is now hers....