Limmy's Show is a Scottish comedy sketch show written, animated and directed by Brian Limond. The show stars Brian Limond, Ryan Fletcher, Paul McCole, Alan McHugh and Kirstin McLean. Previous stars include Debbie Welsh, Tom Brogan and Raymond Mearns....
Two I.T. nerds and their clueless female manager, who work in the basement of a very successful company. When they are called on for help, they are never treated with any respect at all....
Limmy introduces a chronological compilation of his non-TV stuff, from his early pre-YouTube sketches, to his Vines, to his present-day livestreaming....
Scottish comedian Limmy jumps from sketch to observation to nonsense. He'll take you down to the Clydeside for a tour of Glasgow, and get into an argument with himself. He'll play you some techno nursery rhymes on his synth. He'll show you his toilet, and a particular tile that's been bothering him....
Limmy's short film which appeared on the BBC2 programme '10 Things I Hate About The Edinburgh Festival'....
A short experimental odyssey through past present and future....