Sin Senos no hay Paraíso is a RTI Colombia–Telemundo remake and loose adaptation of the original Colombian series Sin Tetas No Hay Paraíso. The series is based on investigative journalist Gustavo Bolivar's debut novel and features an attractive young prostitute who desires to have massive breast implants in order to attract a rich cocaine smuggler. It is also based on a true story. The series premiered on June 16, 2008;...
El fantasma de Elena is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo. The first season comprised 117 episodes transmitted in the USA from July 20, 2010 to January 7, 2011. As with most of its other soap operas, the network broadcast English subtitles as closed captions on CC3. It stars Elizabeth Gutiérrez and Segundo Cernadas as protagonists and Ana Layevska as the main antagonist in a double role. It has had different titles. When the original...
Set on horse ranches around Houston, Texas, this Spanish-language telenovela covers the three Gallardo brothers' search for vengeance against the wealthy del Junco family, following the mysterious death of their rodeo-riding sister. The brothers soon become aware of the three beautiful del Junco daughters, and entanglements ensue......
Rafael Méndez is an ethical and noble man who dedicates his life to selling household items and is dating his neighbor Vicky Pardo. Alejandra Maldonado is a successful businesswoman and manager of the Ramenautos car dealership, she is engaged to Luciano Valenzuela. Rafael and Alejandra suffer a car accident that will trigger a series of events that will bring them closer. Rafael must pay off the debt he has left Alejandra with after the accident and this closeness will lead them to fall in love ...
A young woman born in a mafia-controlled town seeks revenge on those who wrongfully harmed and imprisoned her family....
Los Herederos Del Monte is a Spanish-language telenovela to be produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo and RTI Colombia, with Colombia as location. It is a remake of Chilean telenovela Hijos del Monte produced by TVN in 2008....
Angela and Samantha were best friends when they were little, but a trap of fate separated them for many years. An unmissable story of loyalty, friendship, courage and love....
Mi Corazón Insiste… en Lola Volcán is a Spanish language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo. Telemundo aired the serial from May 23 to November 28, 2011 at 8pm central. As with most of its other telenovelas, the network broadcasts English subtitles as closed captions on CC3. It is a remake of Colombian telenovela of 1998-1999 Yo amo a Paquita Gallego by Julio Jimenez....
In this new era, Catalina, now head of the DEA in Colombia, has a new challenge: to track down a criminal organization that is trafficking a new synthetic drug. What she ignores is that her daughter is part of the Cartel that traffics them and that Yésica, her worst enemy, is infiltrated in the DEA....
An engineer who works in a large construction company and a poor worker without aspirations both share a love that dared to go beyond all prejudices and differences. Based on the Chilean TV series of the same name....
Fifty TV stars are single handedly picked by a mysterious, masked Lion to participate in a competition like no other. Living together in an exotic country mansion and competing against each other in a relentless and unpredictable game, the stars must face challenges posed by the game master while making alliances and developing strategies to avoid elimination....
A successful TV executive changes his identity and moves to a poor neighborhood in search of real human connection. There, he falls for an aspiring actress trying to start her career at the channel he runs....
After a disastrous attempt of marriage proposal, Juan Manuel's life has collapsed. But his friends try to help him with the aid of an unconventional therapist....