Yume no Crayon Oukoku is a Japanese children's literature by Reizo Fukunaga and serialized in Nakayoshi from January 1998 to December 1998. It was adapted into a seventy-episode anime television series by Toei Animation in 1997. It has been dubbed into French, Italian, Korean and Chinese. The original features the voice talents of Yuka Tokumitsu as Princess Silver....
Love, Miki and Inori are on their way to a dance contest, but get lost on their way to Minato Mirai. Still looking for their way, they are attacked by a monster. When the three Fresh Precure girls start to fight it, other Precures show up to support them. They all have to combine their powers to win against this mighty enemy....
Precure All Stars Movie DX3: Deliver The Future! The Rainbow-Colored Flower That Connects The World is the third movie in the series, released on March 19, 2011, starring all the Cures from the previous series, including those introduced in Suite PreCure, as well as various villains featured in previous Pretty Cure movies. The theatrical release was edited in parts as a result of the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami which occurred before the movie was due to be released....