

TV Series



Piroska Molnár

Birthday: Born in 1945-10-01 in Ózd, Hungary

Deathday: Alive

Molnár Piroska (Ózd, 1945. október 1. –) a Nemzet Színésze címmel kitüntetett Kossuth-díjas és Jászai Mari-díjas magyar színésznő,érdemes és kiváló művész, a Halhatatlanok Társulatának örökös tagja, a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem tanára. Eötvös Péter zeneszerző volt felesége. Szülei: Molnár József és Andrássi Viktória. Édesapja nem tért haza a szovjet fogságból, egyedül maradt édesanyja vissza szeretett volna térni Erdélybe, de ekkor már lezárták a határokat. Kunágotán telepedtek le, meghatározó gyermekkori élményei ehhez a településhez kötik. A mama tanácsára (tanuljon szakmát) Szegeden közgazdasági technikumban érettségizett. A Színház- és Filmművészeti Főiskolán 1968-ban végzett (eközben fellépett az 1966-os Táncdalfesztiválon), ezt követően a Szegedi Nemzeti Színházhoz szerződött, ahol 1971-ig volt tag. 1971 és 1978 között a kaposvári Csiky Gergely Színházban játszott. 1978-tól 1982-ig a Nemzeti Színházhoz köti szerződés. 1982-ben a budapesti Katona József Színház alapító tagja. 1984-től, 18 éven át ismét a kaposvári társulatot erősíti. 2002 és 2013között a Nemzeti Színház tagja. 2013-tól a Thália Színház tagja. Rendszeresen fellépője az 1982-ben alapított Kőszegi Várszínház bemutatóinak. A prózai szerepek mellett, számos zenés darab főszereplője is, így például a Mohácsi János által rendezett Csárdáskirálynő Ceciliája, és az Ármány és szerelem, mely alakításáért 2010-ben elnyerte a színikritikusok Fővárosi Színházi Díját. Kurtág György kortárs zeneszerző kérésére, unszolására elvállalta a Beckett-töredékekre írott darabjában – What is the Word (Op. 30) – való közreműködést, 2008-ban. Az előadás bemutatója a Zeneakadémián volt, amelyet számos külföldi (Salzburg, Berlin, Zürich) fellépés is követett. Eötvös Péter, Vocal Works című Cd-jén, a Mese című darab közreműködője volt. 2005 óta az Aase-díj kuratóriumának tagja. 2010-ben Nagymama-díjat alapított a legígéretesebb kaposvári fiatal női és férfi színész számára, amelyet évente ítélnek oda és 100-100 ezer Ft jelképes díjjal jár. Az elismerést minden évben Csiky Gergely születésnapján, december 8-án (először 2011-ben) adják át. 2011-ben Komlós Juci helyére a Nemzet Színészévé választották. 2011 őszétől a m1 IrReality Show-jának, a Munkaügyeknek a főszereplője, ahol Sipeki Elvirát, a Munkaügyi Hivatal osztályvezetőjét alakítja. A férje volt Eötvös Péter zeneszerző 1968-tól, de később elváltak, és egy közös gyermekük született 1969-ben, Eötvös György, aki 1995-ben elhunyt. Forrás: Wikipédia

TV Credits


Character: Róza mama

In a fictional town called Makkosszállás, Róza mama, head of the mafia chain announces on her 69th birthday, that whoever wins the next major election will be the new head of the chain....

The Pillars of the Earth

Character: Grandmama

A sweeping epic of good and evil, treachery and intrigue, violence and beauty, a sensuous, spirited story set against a backdrop of war, religious strife and power struggles in 12th Century England....

Russian Doll

Character: Hungarian Pedestrian

Nadia keeps dying and reliving her 36th birthday party. She's trapped in a surreal time loop -- and staring down the barrel of her own mortality....

Munkaügyek - IrReality Show

Character: Elvira


Holnap tali!

Character: Igazgatónő


A falu jegyzője

Character: Tengelyiné


Magyar népmesék

Character: Mesemondó

Hungarian Folktales is a Hungarian animated series. Each episode is based on a Hungarian folk tale. The creators paid special attention to using Hungarian folk motives in the episodes....

Movie Credits

Csendes éj

Character: Rózsika

The story of the film unfolds in one night. A chance meeting of a young boy and an old woman on Christmas night. From behind the dark clouds of their life full of secrets, the Sun breaks out unexpectedly for them too: the Christmas Eve, which starts out as hopeless, brings a child to the boy and a mother to the woman....


Character: Aranka

The movie is set in the actual "Ki Mit Tud?" talent contest in 1962. In reality the contest in dance music category was won by an army brass band. "Omega" which later became one of the most successful Hungarian rock bands came out in the second place....


Character: Klári, Ifj. Szamba Ottó anyja

This story shows the two different parts of acting. The father is a strong, ambitious and inconsiderate actor but his son (Tibor) is a sensitive one. This all takes part somewhere in Hungary when socialism "controlled" the country....

The Dream Car

Character: Kerekes Anna

János is a 35 years old, rich, succesful single man, who plans to go on a long vacation with his brand new car, but he happens to fall in love at first sight…...


Character: Woman with dog

Mr. Schneider became wealthy after the end of the communism, but still remained a simple man. Her wife although wants a lackey....


Character: Hadnagyné

Grotesquely surreal offering charting three male generations of the same bizarre family, including a pervert who constantly seeks for new kinds of satisfaction, an obese speed eater, and a passionate embalmer....

The Stationmaster Meets His Match

Character: Anya

The story of Bendegúz, the teenage boy who never succeeds in anything and about whom everybody's first though is "I wish you had been hanged when you were born!" drops out of school and becomes a cowboy. He works for the Stationmaster whose cows he has to graze by the railway. Despite his goodwill and kindheartedness he always manages to spoil everything he touches. No matter his wit, he gets into humiliating situations and regularly fights with the Ugly Witch (the Stationmaster's mother-in-law)...

Ants' Nest


The head of the nunnery is dying, and the members are divided in two groups as the election of the new head approaches. Led by Virginia, the younger nuns stand up for changing the strict religious dogmas and would like a modern school with genuine science, a bathroom to be built, and a freer spirit. Their candidate is sister Magdolna, who went to secular universities, too. The seminarists, led by Király Erzsi, also rebel against the older nuns' strict discipline and the depressed atmosphere of t...

Kissed By The Devil


A Hungarian rural gypsy settlement in the present day, in a fairy-tale landscape of rolling hills and greenery. A teenage boy is preparing for an important dance competition with his friends, so he makes a pact with the alleged devil. The real inner battle is just beginning...

Haunted Holiday

Character: Olympe szelleme

The title of this Hungarian comedy is a German pun on "room for rent" (Zimmer Feri). Near-broke and desperate, Hungarian entrepreneur Feri decides to put a sleazy spin on tourism. After leasing a Lake Balaton boarding house, he moves in his gang -- wife, nephew, daughter, and the daughter's boyfriend -- and then sets out to scam unsuspecting German tourists. Written and directed by Peter Timor (Dollybirds). This film is also known as Feri's Gang. ~ Bhob Stewart, Rovi...


Character: Terka

An Hungarian youth comes of age at Buchenwald during World War II. György Köves is 14, the son of a merchant who's sent to a forced labor camp. After his father's departure, György gets a job at a brickyard; his bus is stopped and its Jewish occupants sent to camps. There, György find camaraderie, suffering, cruelty, illness, and death. He hears advice on preserving one's dignity and self-esteem. He discovers hatred. If he does survive and returns to Budapest, what will he find? What is natural;...


Character: Klári

The Hungarian version of the "The Seven Samurai" and "The Magnificent Seven"....

Young, Dumb and Full of Love

Character: Rózsi néni


The Notebook

Character: Grandmother

In a village on the Hungarian border, two young brothers grow up during war time with their cruel grandmother and must learn every trick of evil to survive in the absurd world of adults....


Character: Nora

In 2063 a soldier named 129 escapes from Medrocorp. The company is chasing him. They have serious technological developments: cloned organs, robots, flying cars. The soldier does not remember anything, but he wants to know his past....


Character: Narrator

A little girl has an adventure with water as she travels from a small brook to the sea. A tale of growing up based on a Hungarian poem....

Escape Room


We're in a flatlet, in the middle of two young people's relationship crisis. The boy cheated on the girl. They are both in quarantine, right in the middle of a pandemic. The situation gets more complicated by a chat message, which also gives the boy cause for jealousy. After they both get tired of the commonplaces, they reveal their doubts about their relationship in a surprisingly honest way. They are willing to go to the extremes to find out if they have a future together....

Free Fall

Character: Auntie

An old woman flies past six floors after jumping from the roof of her apartment block. Six stories on the poor state of humanity, told with humour and rare imagination to the accompaniment of a pulsating soundtrack from Amon Tobin. A woeful burlesque set in the present by one of Europe’s most original contemporary filmmakers....

The Match

Character: Balláné (Hungarian voice)

Summer of 1956. In the small town in the Hungarian country-side, during the time the chief of police spends in a course in Budapest, Rigó Dezső is the boss with full powers. He is fighting tooth and nail to help the local football-team stay in the second national selection. During one of the matches, he beats the referee to death....



This grotesque, micro-realistic film is set in a small village at the end of the seventies. A TV-staff comes to the Petőfi Memorial House. They want to record the comic opera, The Postman of Longjumeau, by Charles Adam, a 19th century French composer....

Liza, the Fox-Fairy

Character: Márta Tanaka

Liza is a naïve, lonely 30-year-old nurse who wants to fall in love. Her only company is a long-dead Japanese pop star, who turns her into a fox-fairy out of jealousy. Now, every man who desires Liza shall die horribly. Can she overcome the curse?...



The events of the story take place in the outskirts of working class people in the early nineteen fifties. Makra, a skilled worker in a factory, suddenly comes to close quarters with everything around him because his environment condemns and ridicules him for protecting a woman when his drunk fellows were going to rape her after his bachelor party....



A man pretends to be a manager and helps veteran rockstar god, Johnny G. and his ex-band to reunite once more....

Gulls and Gangsters


The film has a broken meaning, the last time he was a proofreader for a book publisher, he is now unemployed. Ever since he was a child, he has always been the one who pulls the short one, and he takes the wrong one. At the beginning of the film, he finds himself in such a "bunbak" situation again, and then he decides to become a professional bunbak......

Last Desk

Character: Györgyi néni

A story about a gipsy girl Kati who moves from Hungarian province to Budapest and starts going to school....

Stop Mom Theresa!

Character: Talicskáné

Kata, in her 20s, loses her boyfriend and her job on the same day. She's been indulging in fantasies of a more thrilling romantic life, and the cold water of being alone and unemployed doesn't entirely dampen her imagination. She's egged on by three girlfriends who get together to talk about men and sex. Kata has possibilities: she meets David, a medical student; there's Tamás, a stranger on a train who might be good for a relationship and a job. There's also Miki, her brother who's had serious ...


Character: Frau Hitz

This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in...



Karcsi, a Roma policeman, lives with Eva, a Swede. One day he is called to the scene of the murder of a wealthy trafficker named Schulter. He begins to investigate the crime, interrogate neighbours and suspects, and untangle a complex situation - one that he, himself, complicates even further. For he is a gypsy, who despite being adopted and raised by "regular" Hungarians, has his nose rubbed in his minority status every day. The film, which is based on the novel by Ákos Kertész, is a shrewd gen...

We Never Die!

Character: Cukrász felesége

In 1960s Hungary, an introverted teenager’s life is turned upside down by a few days in the company of his coat hanger salesman uncle: a roguish charmer with a zest for life and a weakness for horse racing and women....


Character: Aranka néni

1952, Budapest. Kati is thirteen years old when her mother dies. Her father works as a founder at the Miskolc foundry, deprived of his former position of director-engineer. Kati is left alone in their flat, transformed into a place crowded with tenants. That is, not quite: in her imagination her mother is alive again, for she still needs her....


Character: Colentina Dunka

Gabriel Ventuza lives the peaceful life of a herbalist, growing and cultivating medical herbs in Italy. One day he receives an order from his older brother who is just out of prison for one day. Gabriel should go to the remote little town of Bogdanski Dolina in Far-Eastern Europe, the place of their childhood and take out the mortal remains of their father, the late people smuggler, the famous Victor Ventuza. Gabriel leaves his "eventless" life behind and goes to accomplish his mission. He is ro...

The Insult

Character: Anya

Szása on his day off mends the old automobile of a young couple and goes shopping with his son. In the shop the saleswoman mistakes him to be a drunken customer of the other day and begins to offend him. Szása, for the sake of his son on the first place, wants to clear the misunderstanding up. At the end he is beaten up and humiliated....

Nobody's Daughter

Character: Anna

An orphan girl suffers abuse from her adoptive parents....

Memories of a River


In the 19th century Austro-Hungarian Empire, David Hersko, a Jewish shepherd, witnesses the attack of a young girl. His home is burned down and he finds shelter with the family of a Jewish logger. The loggers find the body of a young woman which they bury, going against local laws. They are charged with her murder and it is believed that they killed her as a ritual murder....



Young honest public official is sworn in after his predecessor had to leave due to a corruption scandal. Soon, the young idealist discovers just how far-reaching the corruption is in his town and how easy it is to become corrupt yourself....

The Prince and the Pauper

Character: Farmers Wife

An adaptation of the classic, "The Prince and the Pauper" is the retelling of Edward Tudor and young Thomas Canty, two amazing look-alikes caught up in imperial intrigue and scandal. In fleeing from his violent father, Tom stumbles into the palace courtyard, and is seen by young Prince Edward, who takes him in. Each desiring to see what the other's life is like, the boys impulsively switch identities... little knowing what disaster lies ahead at this fault of thought. And soon Thomas becomes a p...

Μαφιόζοι στο Αιγαίο

Character: Mum


The Tragedy of Man

Character: The Spirit of Earth

Jankovics's adaptation of the eponymous play is divided into multiple parts, and depicts the creation and fall of Man throughout history....

My Sweden – A Changing Wilderness

Character: Narrator (Hungarian)

Zoltán Török, the creator of the highly successful Wild Horses - A Tale from the Puszta and Wild Hungary - A Water Wonderland, has been living in Sweden for years with his wife, two daughters and dog. On regular tours they explore the colourful wildlife of the changing wilderness, and now they invite the audience to join them on their most exciting excursions. Along the way we roam stunning landscapes, from sea to glaciers, in the company of the wild animals of the far north. Zoltán Török spent...

The Hungarian Dressmaker


Ema & Death’s-Head deals with the precarious border between humanism and the protection of one’s own life in situations when one excludes the other. Marika Sándorfi is hiding a Jewish boy during the dramatic era of the First Slovak State on the Slovak-Hungarian border. Šimon Holan, the boy in hiding, has a special ability to survive thanks to dreaming and a child’s fantasy....

Ványa bácsi - Buborékkeringő

Character: Rozália


Made by Yusuf Kıtlık