The Adventures of Pepero or The Adventures of Pepero the Andes Boy is a 26-episode anime TV series created by Tatsuya Ono and Sumio Takahashi and aired on the NET Network from 1975-10-06 to 1976-03-29 in Japan. It has since been then translated and broadcast in several languages worldwide. The story follows the young boy Pepero as he searches for his father who has gone missing while seeking the mythical golden city of El Dorado. The theme songs for the series are Pepero's Adventure and O Wind,...
The Adventures of Pepero or The Adventures of Pepero the Andes Boy is a 26-episode anime TV series created by Tatsuya Ono and Sumio Takahashi and aired on the NET Network from 1975-10-06 to 1976-03-29 in Japan. It has since been then translated and broadcast in several languages worldwide. The story follows the young boy Pepero as he searches for his father who has gone missing while seeking the mythical golden city of El Dorado. The theme songs for the series are Pepero's Adventure and O Wind,...
Battle between international criminal organizations and the secret team of international police formed against these organizations. An action drama incorporating element of children's hero program, Tokusatsu, such as characters with superhuman motor nerves and the appearance of super machines. "Strada 5" is the name of this secret team....
An old man dies of heartbreak when a cruel landlord is about to repossess his land. The old man haunts the landlord from the grave. Since the man died in debt, his wife and daughter are indentured servants and are forced to work in the landlord's factory....