Grachi is a Nickelodeon Latin America fantasy television series written by Mariela Romero, Catharina Ledeboer and Mariana Palos that focuses on the life and love experiences of Graciela "Grachi" Alonso, a teenage witch. It premiered in Latin America on May 2, 2011. The series stars Isabella Castillo as Grachi, Andrés Mercado as Daniel and Kimberly Dos Ramos as Matilda; also featuring Mauricio Henao, Sol Rodríguez and Lance Dos Ramos in supporting roles. In June 2011 it was confirmed that the se...
An experimental robot attempts to navigate life as a teenage girl....
A former U.S. Marine, Lázaro Mendoza, enters a maximum security prison in Mexico (La Rotunda), under a false identity and accused of an alleged triple murder. Now as Dante Pardo, his mission is to infiltrate a dangerous band of inmates and guards that operate inside and outside of prison who are the prime suspects of the kidnapping of the teenage daughter of U.S. Judge, John Morris. Inside La Rotunda, Lázaro has to find out who carried out the kidnapping and the whereabouts of the girl....
Set in the 1990s, these are the life and times of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a man who became the head of the Juárez cartel. Nicknamed “El Señor de los Cielos” (Lord of the Skies) because of the large fleet of airplanes he used to transport drugs, he was also known for washing more than $200 million through Colombia to finance his huge fleet. He is described as the most powerful drug trafficker of his time....
Siblings Eva and Ruben travel back in time to 1957 -- but the musical charm of the past and new love could keep them from returning to the present....
Eugenio uses Fernanda for revenge against the Del Pinos, but she changes all....
Two identical twin sisters, separated at birth, one truly decent but humble, the other ultra rich, conniving, and truly destructive. They soon find themselves hopelessly intertwined in each other's lives....