Masumiyet follows the story of Bahar, a married mother of two, whose life changes drastically after her 19-year-old daughter falls in love with a wrong man. Her daughter Ela's first love is not a college student her age, but her father's 35-year-old boss, who is about to marry someone else. Bahar, who is trying to save her daughter from this wrong relationship, can not prevent what will happen, no matter what she does. An event that occurs on the day of Ela's 19th birthday party, changes the liv...
The series tells the life of Hizir Çakırbeyli. A mob boss who entered the realm of the mafia at a young age....
The young and beautiful Iffet lives with her father and younger sister, She is deeply in love with Cemil, a taxi driver at the local taxi station. Iffet dreams about the day when Cemil will propose to her. In fact, Cemil does not want to marry Iffet yet as he has bigger plans....
At the age of 26, when his reign began, Sultan Süleyman sought to build an empire more powerful than Alexander the Great and to render the Ottomans invincible. Throughout his 46-year reign, his fame as the greatest warrior and ruler of his age spreads both to the East and West. With his companion Pargalı İbrahim, Süleyman achieves great victories, and makes his name known in the Muslim World. Süleyman called İbrahim his brother, friend and advisor. The television series shows Süleyman's consoli...
The life and times of rather traditional Sutcuoglu family and their comedic struggles to adapt the high-profile contemporary life of Nisantasi....
Berna and Belgin are two 40-year-old women who oppose the rules imposed by society and men. These women, who live different lives from different environments but have to struggle with similar problems, are in search of freedom and identity....
Yaprak Dökümü is an award-winning Turkish television series based on the novel of the same name by Reşat Nuri Güntekin. The series premiered on 13 September 2005 on Kanal D, and endеd its fifth and final season on 29 December 2010, comprising 174 episodes overall. The show is set in Istanbul, Turkey, and it revolves around the fictional family Tekin, which their arrival in Istanbul tears their family apart, and transforms them in a way they can't imagine....
A bag full of money lands in front of you. Is it luck? The answer to your prayers? Part of a predetermined plan? Or all of the above? Set in the chaotic streets of Istanbul, 40 is a story of three strangers making their way in a city of 12 million, all searching...for one bag. Shot entirely on location, '40' combines intense story telling with documentary style cinematography embarking on a synchronistic journey dealing with faith, love, luck, destiny, human trafficking...and a bag of cash that ...
Onların da aşkı masallar gibiydi ve evlendiler. Yani masallara göre sona geldiler… Adem'le Didem birbirlerini hala sevmektedirler. Ama evlilik, Adem'in sevgisini ve ilgisini açığa çıkartma reflekslerini köreltmiştir. Didem ise özgüveni ve özgür iradesi elinden alınmış mutsuz bir kadına dönüşmüştür. Tek tutunduğu onu yeniden hayata döndürecek işidir. Adem'i hala çok seviyordur. Kocasının peşinden ailesini, dostlarını, kariyerini bırakarak daha önce sadece haritalarda gördüğü şehirlere bile yerleş...