Unforgettable is a Filipino romantic fantasy drama series created by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan and produced by GMA Network. The series premiered on February 25, 2013, replacing Yesterday's Bride on the network's coveted Afternoon Prime block and February 27, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It concluded its fourteen weeks run on May 31, 2013 with the total of sixty-seven episodes, and replaced by Mga Basang Sisiw on its timeslot. It is executive produced by Darling Pulido Torres. The series is unde...
Dwarfina is a telefantasya produced by GMA Network starring Heart Evangelista and Dennis Trillo with Angelika dela Cruz. The show was originally to be aired November 2010 but was postponed to January 10, 2011. The show premiered on January 12, 2011 on GMA Pinoy TV, two days after its original airdate. After quite a successful run, it is set to be replaced by Munting Heredera and the series ended on May 6, 2011. It ran for seventeen weeks with the total of 83 episodes....
Reel Love: Tween Hearts is a Filipino youth-oriented series created by Kit Villanueva – Langit, under the direction of Gina Alajar and produced by GMA Network. It features the network's homegrown tween stars headed by Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Bea Binene and Jake Vargas. The series premiered September 26, 2010. The show has been extend three times and now on its fourth season. Over its course, the cast has been growing and extending compared to the original main cast. Originally slated t...
Blusang Itim or Beauty Within is a Philippine drama produced by GMA Network starring Kylie Padilla, Frank Magalona and Carl Guevarra. It is a TV remake of the 1986 film starring Snooky Serna, which was based on the comic of Elena Patron. Premieres May 16, 2011 replacing Alakdana on GMA's Dramarama Sa Hapon blocked. It will ran of Total 65 episodes on August 2, 2011 to be replacing by Pahiram ng Isang Ina. Starting June 4, 2013 it currently re-airs on GMA Life TV worldwide....
Joaquin Bordado is a Philippine drama-action series produced by GMA Network. It is a television adaptation of a famous comics serial of Carlo J. Caparas. It features Robin Padilla in the title role, with Iza Calzado, Ian Veneracion and Eddie Garcia. The series premiered February 11, 2008 and concluded on July 11, 2008....
The romantic comedy series follows Beth and Cindy, a social media celebrity couple called "BetCin," who join an online contest called "#RelationshipGoals" and are perceived as having a perfect relationship....
In the world of Encantadia, four Sang'gres guard the gems that hold the power to maintain peace and harmony in the land. Pirena is the keeper of the Gem of Fire, Amihan is the keeper of the Gem of Air, Alena is the keeper of the Gem of Water, and Danaya is the keeper of the Gem of Earth. The sisters' strong bond is broken when Pirena discovers that she is unlike them. Their mother, Ynang Reyna Minea, is afraid of her desire to become the ruler of Encantadia and it is this imagined betrayal that...
Near the end of the 19th century, 35-year-old Jos Rizal turned into the Philippines' most beloved hero when he was martyred by the Spanish colonial government at Bagumbayan. He died an extraordinary man of his times: renowned novelist, poet, ophthalmologist, journalist, and linguist. But behind these achievements, there remained the story of a man every Filipino can relate and connect to. Like today's overseas Filipino, Rizal needed to leave his family to fulfill his studies and career abroad, s...
Joni, a promising street-smart pool-hustling girl, who fights her way from the slums to get a shot at becoming a pool champion in the male-dominated world of billiards. As Joni continues to bust balls on her way to the top, her impending blindness that might ruin her dream of becoming the first woman champion in a mixed-gender billiards tournament is on the line....
Gem and Crystal are assigned to work in a special law enforcement operation. They are entrusted with the recovery of precious, pre-colonial jewelry which is believed to have belonged to the legendary and mythical Queen Urduja of the 1300s. In order to defeat a nemesis that they never imagined to be so closely linked to both of them, Gem and Crystal must deal with personality problems as well as the astonishing realization that they may be long-lost half-sisters and gifted descendants of Urduja h...
Adarna is the story of Ada (Kylie Padilla) who is prophesized to be the most powerful healer in Pugad Sanghaya. As she discovers the path towards fulfilling her fate, she meets three men - celebrity basketball player Migo (Geoff Eigenmann), street-smart kanto boy Bok (Benjamin Alves), and fearless warrior Falco (Mikael Daez) – each one needing her in his own way....
Lucy, awarded as the youngest CEO of the year and recently annulled from her husband, secretly registers to a Swiss company that assists those who wish to end their lives. Lucy meets Noah, a vivacious and charming half-Swiss, half-Filipino who, unknown to Lucy, is the disowned son of the Swiss owner of what used to be a popular assisted suicide facility that had recently closed down. What follows is a series of meetings and conversations that lead to Lucy revealing her true purpose in visiting L...
A nursing student encounters strange occurrences around the dorm where she's staying. She enlists of another student to unravel the mystery of the dormitory....
In 1970s Mindanao, a man and his family take arms to defend the people against those who would oppress them....
A yuppie who just got lucky is struck by a string of unlucky circumstances; a male model's life is upended because of evil boils appearing on his body; a folk singer's romantic ideals are put to the test as his beloved slowly changes into something he does not understand. These three funny, sometimes absurd, sometimes terrifying, and ultimately compelling stories make up "Triptiko."...
A soon-to-be released criminal and a corrections officer is still grieving over the death of his sister opposing the prisoner's release....