Maati ki Banno is an Indian television series that aired on Colors, based on the story of an orphaned girl, Avanti who is in search for her land, her family. Who enters a world at once savage and alien to her. The story validates the traditional Indian belief that no matter how vulnerable or fragile one believes one is or how perilous and insurmountable the overcome the most arduous of climbs all you need is a strong will and a good heart....
The story begins with Raghbir being gloomy and missing Bani on his wedding to his childhood friend Misha. He keeps getting a nightmare of Bani's accident where she had fallen off a cliff. Sukanya, Raisinghania, claims that Raghbir married her in London. Though Raghbir denies, the marriage is cancelled. Meanwhile, Pragati, a young bubbly girl works for Raghbir. Thus, Raghbir tries to find out Sukanya's truth with Pragati's help. Raghbir and Pragati get married....
A vigilante network taking out corrupt officials draws the notice of the authorities....
Four psychology students plant a camera in a church's confession box and come across a serial killer confessing to murder to the priest. Life takes a bizarre turn when they meet TONY, the serial killer and go on a murdering spree with him....