Set in the 1960s, the story of the Akarsu family includes Ali, Cemile and their four children: Berrin, a law student, Aylin and Mete, high school students, and 5 year old Osman. Ali begins an affair with Caroline, a Dutch woman, which leads to the disintegration of the family....
A lawyer and a prosecutor, whose paths cross with a murder case, will have to work together to find the murderer, and this will create an irreversible breaking point in their lives....
Two separate worlds lie on two sides of the road in a seaside town. Both too close and way too far from each other. What happens when two young people from these worlds fall in love? Kemal is one of the three children of a moderate family that lives in one of the inner neighborhoods of the town. His hand to mouth world has pinned all hopes on him. The motive of this world is not high aims, it’s to make a living and survive. It’s Kemal’s last year in mine engineering. His dreams are restricted w...
Set in the 1960s, the story of the Akarsu family includes Ali, Cemile and their four children: Berrin, a law student, Aylin and Mete, high school students, and 5 year old Osman. Ali begins an affair with Caroline, a Dutch woman, which leads to the disintegration of the family....
Melek will rebuild her life with her family and children. Melek is struggling to survive with her three children....
As a child, Leyla suffers a blow from her stepmother and sees her world turned upside down. She loses everything - except the thirst for revenge. In search of justice, Leyla transforms into someone else and returns determined to settle accounts with the woman who destroyed her life and left her in a garbage dump. However, her revenge falters when she discovers the relationship between her ex-stepmother and the man, with whom she shared an innocent and unforgettable love affair...
Just before her final exams, 19 years old Defne, has to return to her hometown after her father's stroke. His rehabilitation sessions will give the pair a chance to heal their fragile relationship in this beautiful Mediterranean town....
Rimo and Zimo are two towns that are not very far from each other, divided by a small desert. Both towns’ people have stayed away from each other for a long time, feeling mutual hatred and fear. One day, two little rascals from Rimo, Bızdık and Minnik, decide to go to the desert for an adventure. Meanwhile, the Zimo Family enjoys a family picnic at the desert with their baby egg and little daughter....
Berna Tuna, a renowned academic has just died. Her husband, Macit, will take this opportunity to face past wrongdoings and reconnect with his long-neglected daughter İpek. His hope for a fresh start is put to test by his son Alp and his wife’s assistant Feyza, who are strongly attached to Berna’s legacy....
How much chaos can three white goods dealers who come to İstanbul from Anatolia get into in three days? The paths of Namık, Adem and Sadık, three men going through difficult periods in their lives, intersect at a dealer meeting. After a series of unexpected events, they find themselves caught in a crazy plan. To survive, the three dealers have no choice but trust each other and move fast....
Reeling from her father's death, romantic disappointment and the ramifications of her uncle's gambling, Günfer meets a man who's not what he seems....