Masumiyet follows the story of Bahar, a married mother of two, whose life changes drastically after her 19-year-old daughter falls in love with a wrong man. Her daughter Ela's first love is not a college student her age, but her father's 35-year-old boss, who is about to marry someone else. Bahar, who is trying to save her daughter from this wrong relationship, can not prevent what will happen, no matter what she does. An event that occurs on the day of Ela's 19th birthday party, changes the liv...
Set in the 1960s, the story of the Akarsu family includes Ali, Cemile and their four children: Berrin, a law student, Aylin and Mete, high school students, and 5 year old Osman. Ali begins an affair with Caroline, a Dutch woman, which leads to the disintegration of the family....
A therapy-situated series that will explore every day problems of every day people. Based on a book by Dr. Gülseren Buğdayıcıoğlu....
The story of Fazilet, mother of Hazan and Ece, eager to make money using the modeling skills of her younger daughter, Ece. While Hazan pursues a career as a coach in sports, far from her mother's wishes and falls in love with a rich spoiled man....
Yasemin's story began in Germany and found itself in the ups and downs of life. However, she was not afraid to live and succeeded in entering the law school. Now she is both studying and working. Her sole purpose in life is to receive custody of her hearing-impaired brother, who has been growing up in the orphanage as their fathers are different. On the other hand, she is saving up money for her brother Murat's operation. Cem is the older of two children of a wealthy family. As a child, he has w...
In the story that begins in a suburb of Istanbul, the events between Kenan Cesur, who shouldered the burden of a momentary mistake, and Zeynep proceed with an adventure full of ambition, passion and regret. Imam Yusuf and Teacher Nilüfer, on the other hand, become a beacon of hope for the young people whose dreams are gradually disappearing in the dark road they enter by saying “Nothing can happen for once”....
Redemption is a Turkish television series within 25 Films, directed by Mesude Erarslan and written by writer Mahinur Ergün. Adapted from Zülfü Livaneli's written novel Konstantiniyye Hotel....
Three strangers' lives are shattered by tragic events as they find themselves crossing paths on a journey searching for strength and hope....
Necmi, Çetin and Muzo's biggest dream is to shoot a movie. For this they need money. Fortune smiles on their faces and they meet Kerim from Kadırga. Kerim sponsors the film they are going to make. The only requirement is to play the leading role in the movie. Of course, there is a small problem. Kadırgalı Kerim is a mafia....
The year 1997... In the days when people are exiled for their thoughts, now the tables have turned and the freedom of a cow living in the village of Gomalak is in danger. "The Exiled Cow". inspired from a true story, tells the tale of Sarikiz, with its spectacular cast and now meets the audience as the comedy of the century......
A woman who came to Turkey from England to look for the biggest flaw of her life.. A man who locked his past in a room and left it into dust... and two different stories brought together by the words dripping from a pen in the locked room......
The dystopia of reality through employees who enter the workplace with coffins, an elevator as a cemetery in the plazas, mechanized white-collar people, people who get money out of their heads, businessmen snarling at each other and a boss who throws up money....
8 important executive members of some notable corporations of the country are kidnapped during a recent trial....
Working together for many years, two policemen decide to steal by taking a tip from a thief. In the house they enter to rob, they become the prisoners of the power struggle that develops with wrong ideas. The struggle for supremacy, which completely takes them under control, continues with various lies. Telling the biggest lie will commit the biggest crime....