The series follows the story of Fruity, a young girl who receives a magical ball that, when rubbed, summons a fairy named Son Pari and her friend Altu....
Diya Aur Baati Hum is an Indian television soap opera, broadcast on Star Plus channel from 29 August 2011. It stars Deepika Singh and Anas Rashid as the main protagonists....
Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji is a Hindi drama serial aired on Star Plus. Sooraj and Sandhya were the ideal couple. Now, their daughter, Kanak sets off on a journey with Uma Shankar, who is her perfect opposite....
In the heart of Mumbai’s underworld, gangster Bosco and ace cop Jabbar reignite their decades-old rivalry. As loyalty and betrayal collide, their deadly game sets the stage for a battle that will shake the city to its core....
David and Monty, estranged half-brothers, train in mixed martial arts to earn a livelihood. However, things change when the two are forced to compete against each other in the final tournament....
A young man from a remote village dreams of launching his own airline service. However, he must overcome several obstacles and challenges in order to be successful in his quest....
A corrupt cop and a serial killer obsessed with a psychopath from the '60s get caught up in a ruthless cat-and-mouse game....
This biopic is a story of the sculptor of modern and progressive Maharashtra, the ardent follower of principles of Pandit Nehru, the law abider, social worker, a visionary who brought about a revolution with his adeptness and political acumen- Yashwantro Chavan....
When terrorists kill a cop's brother and disable his father, he fights back against the smuggling of guns and drugs which plagues his country....