The spin-off to the original series 'In aller Freundschaft' focuses on the young doctors in a fictional clinic in Erfurt. In this emotional drama series, hospital staffers and patients navigate life's challenges....
Doktor Martin is a German television comedy drama series produced by production company Phoenix Film for the German television channel ZDF. The first series was broadcast in July 2007, the second in July 2009. The series is an adaptation of the British television series Doc Martin, which is broadcast on the British television channel ITV....
Mein Leben & Ich is a German situation comedy produced by Sony Pictures in association with RTL Television for RTL. The series was created by Paula A. Roth and loosely based on ABC's 1994 teen drama My So-Called Life. The series focuses on the life of student Alex Degenhardt, who deals with everyday life and sometimes frustrating friends, Claudia and Niko, as well as her family; her little brother Basti and her Hippie-parents Hendrik and Anke. A sixth Season was produced in 2006 but not shown un...
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
Series written by Christiane Sadlo about writer and journalist under the pseudonym "Inga Lindström" and her family. Characterized by impressive landscapes, all of which are shot on location in Sweden. Series has no continuous storyline, and each episode is filled with new characters....
Hannah hero finds out that her husband Martin is cheating on her. Angered, she announces that she wants a divorce. But Hannah is waiting for the million-dollar legacy of her great-aunt Käthe and a divorced woman will never entrust her family heritage to the tradition-conscious old lady. So Hannah arranges the separation of table and bed with her future ex-husband. Then Hannah and Martin move into Aunt Käthe's villa and play a harmonious married life....
Meike has had enough of a comfortable life and ventures out on a risky off-road adventure in a jeep she bought at auction....
Three more years, then she will be 40: Sophie is slowly getting scared. Actually, she should be happy and have everything under control: three growing children, a small catering agency, a large farmhouse and a husband, Hubertus, who is reasonably successful professionally. But somehow life has lost its tension. It will wrinkle like an old apple, worse: like herself....
"Bad luck in the game, luck in love": Astrid Seibel knows the saying, of course - but until now she did not know that the two seem to be linked. The mother of two children, who has just been left by her unfaithful husband, actually types six correct numbers in the lottery, but the receipt for the lottery ticket disappears. The lucky finder is her new chance acquaintance Felix, who at first has no idea whose winnings he is holding in his hands. When he finds out, it is already too late: Astrid al...