Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include f...
Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include f...
An aging couple follows after Ismael Tchou, an 8-year-old, who is trying to find his way to his estranged biological father all by himself....
A mysterious epidemic spreads across the planet. Humanity develops an irrational fear of open spaces that causes instant death. Soon, the world population is trapped inside buildings. As Barcelona descends into chaos, Marc sets off on a quest to find Julia, his missing girlfriend, without ever going outside....
A teenager who went missing and was presumed dead returns home after eight years to find a family deeply affected by his disappearance. Gradually, doubts arise about whether he really is the missing boy or an impostor....
Accused of killing his brother during adolescence, Salvador lives alone in the middle of Patagonia. Several decades later, his brother Marcos and his sister-in-law Laura, come to convince him to sell the lands they share by inheritance....
Janine works in a bank giving credits to clients to buy houses and receives the offer of a promotion to work in a future branch in China for which she takes Mandarin classes. One night he travels from work to his home on the subway. There is attacked by two young delinquents a very old woman and Janine tries to avoid it. The young follow her and it is then that they steal and attack her sexually. After recovering from the blows and the anguish he gets up and sees his attackers raping a helpless ...
Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain, March 3rd, 1976. After several months of protests demanding decent working conditions, representatives of struggling workers call for a general strike. In the church of San Francisco, in the working class neighborhood of Zaramaga, thousands of workers fill the temple in assembly. Outside, many more people gather and, in the middle, about a hundred heavily armed police officers wait to act....
Salamanca, Spain, 1936. In the early days of the military rebellion that began the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), writer Miguel de Unamuno supports the uprising in the hope that the prevailing political chaos will end. But when the confrontation becomes bloody, Unamuno must question his initial position....
Two friends spend a weekend together before one of them leaves to live in France. During those two days, a series of events will put their true friendship to the test....