In the year 2199, humanity eagerly waits for the dawn of the new century, following the end of a series of devastating magic wars. When the world's most wanted man, Ragna the Bloodedge (also known as the Grim Reaper) make a move to destroy society, a group of ragtag fighters come together to stop him....
Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge! is a Japanese anime series that combined episodes of two series, Soreyuke! Gedou Otometai and Zettai Seigi Love Pheromone....
The event "GUILTY GEAR × BLAZBLUE MUSIC LIVE 2011" held on January 22, 2011 at CLUB CITTA' is now available on DVD. It includes live performances of popular songs from both GUILTY GEAR and BLAZBLUE, 2D fighting games produced by Arc System Works....