The protagonist - a family psychotherapist from a small private clinic, Sergey Vasnetsov, found himself in a deplorable life situation. His wife left him, leaving his five daughters in his care: the eldest of them, Masha, is a big woman of fashion and heartbreaker, dates many guys; second in seniority, Dasha is a Goth girl; the third daughter is Zhenya, an athlete who is friends with the guys and does not date any of them; the fourth, Galina Sergeevna - an erudite and wunderkind; The youngest fa...
The "Big Difference" is created not only for the audience, but also for those who became the hero of the parody - TV presenters and actors. A guest who comes to the studio seems to see himself through a magnifying glass, because all the details are taken into account in the parody: the character's manner of dressing, speaking, diction features, plastic, makeup, hairstyle. The uniqueness of the project is that in addition to entertainment, the program also has a developmental function. After all,...
Russian remake of a famous French movie....