Graduation in an ordinary high school turns into a tragedy when, under strange circumstances, an eleventh-grader Katya Chunina dies. Shortly before that, her boyfriend Maxim Volkov goes missing. He was last seen in the morning at the hospital, from which he escaped by walking out of the window and remained unharmed. It seems that all these events are connected....
Peter the Great dies and passes the Russian throne to his 16-year-old daughter, Elizaveta. The young, carefree and energetic princess is not ready to give up on gorgeous dresses, handsome admirers and passionate love affairs for the crown. However, fate has other plans for her. Elizaveta is forced to take the path of dangerous adventures in order to deal with court intrigues, stalking and evil plots. Three fearless bodyguards of the princess will accompany her along the way and are willing to do...
March 1944. At the front, the Red Army is conducting a confident offensive. The Allies are about to open a second front, and it seems that the final defeat of Nazi Germany is very close. However, the joy of the coming victory is overshadowed by a series of daring and brutal murders. No one has ever managed to see the bandits up close. According to the scant testimony of random eyewitnesses, the composition of the attackers is constantly changing. And every time they leave portraits of the dead a...
Two friends come to Saur-Mogila - nurse Sergey from Russia and German Paul. They are looking for things from the Second World War and are suddenly transported to 1941, during the battles at Saur-Mogila. The heroes are faced with a choice - to stay and help or return to their own time....
Nadya grew up and became a figure skater. She dreams of the Ice Cup, just like her mother once dreamed of. Gorin objects to his daughter’s sports career - he protects her from any difficulties and one can understand him: he has lost too much. At a secret training session, Nadya meets a young and daring hockey player from Moscow, and first love breaks out between them. The father does not believe in the sincerity of the young man’s feelings and separates the couple. But obstacles only strengthen ...
Special people are living among us. Emers: a superhuman species with unusual powers. They can control human emotions but are not able to love or feel physical pain. With the Emer community on the brink of collapse, a young half-breed Denis, sets out to search for the chosen one who can save them all. He finds Kate, a girl who never experienced true feelings. Step by step, Denis deliberately reveals all the emotions in Katya: joy, surprise, jealousy, anger, despair... and, ultimately, love! After...
The whole life of the recent provincials, and now Muscovite Katie - one continuous selfie with a series of celebrities. Any intrigues for the sake of likes, any exploits in the name of “star instagram” status. But, the number of subscribers is still not enough and for the sake of the cherished goal, she goes to St. Petersburg to take a selfie with a mysterious artist who hides her identity, and thereby blow up the Internet. And at this time at the airport, a respectable stranger asks Katya to ha...
The film begins in the "monkey" district police Department of Moscow, where the detainee is delivered type of 60 years in a Bathrobe and Slippers. This homeless-looking character claims that he is Maxim Averin, who starred in the series "Glukhar" in the role of Sergei Glukharev. Who is this old man, and will the police find the real Maxim Averin? How and why are Denis Rozhkov, aka Antoshin, and Alexander Bobrov, aka Agapov, on the stage?...