Lady Maid Maid is a Taiwanese idol romance drama television series created and developed by SETTV. It stars Nicholas Teo, Reen Yu, Janel Tsai, Danny Liang and Katherine Wang as the main cast for the drama series. The drama debuted on 27 November 2012, replacing Sweet Sweet Bodyguard's time slot on SETTV's 8PM Drama line up. The drama started filming on 25 October 2012....
Love Buffet is a 2010 Taiwanese drama starring Aaron Yan and Calvin Chen of Fahrenheit and Reen Yu. It was based on the shōjo manga Parfait Tic!, written by Nagamu Nanaji. The drama was co-produced by Gala Television and Comic Productions and directed by Wu Jian Xin. It was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air Formosa TV from 19 December 2010 to 13 March 2011, on Sundays at 22:00 to 23:30 and cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28 on 25 December 2010 to 19 March 2011, every Saturday at...
Bestselling author Xu Le, struggling with writer's block, takes a job as a taxi driver to find inspiration. He reconnects with old friends, including Pan Neng-xian, a hotel worker who helps him with his writing, and Lu Yi, a former crush turned fashion editor. As their relationships evolve, Xu Le finds new sources of creativity and inspiration....
Pi Zi and Ying Xiong are two cops who are as different as day and night. One lives a luxurious lifestyle and does nothing but drink coffee and wait for information from dubious sources to crack his cases. Another believes law and justice are the pillars of society and is constantly on the street catching criminals. When a case brings these two top crime solvers together, sparks fly and light begins to creep into the dark corners of Taipei....