Lady Maid Maid is a Taiwanese idol romance drama television series created and developed by SETTV. It stars Nicholas Teo, Reen Yu, Janel Tsai, Danny Liang and Katherine Wang as the main cast for the drama series. The drama debuted on 27 November 2012, replacing Sweet Sweet Bodyguard's time slot on SETTV's 8PM Drama line up. The drama started filming on 25 October 2012....
After paying her rent 6 months in advance, Liang Liang Chen (Guo Xue Fu) receives a court notification that her home will be seized. New owner Yi Chi (Aaron Yan) doesn't make it any easier when he holds her house deed hostage and practically threatens her to move out. As if things couldn't get any worse, Liang Liang's new boss steps into the office, and declares a ban on office romance. Who would’ve guessed that the new boss is none other than her newest enemy, Yi Chi? Now the distant and evil l...
Lu Tian Xing is a prodigy in Asia's advertising field. Rich, famous, and mightily successful, he suddenly announces during a press conference that he will be taking a three-month break from the advertising life. With a simple disguise, he transforms himself into "Xiao Lu." Enter Tao Le Si, a young woman who promised her late brother to protect his advertisement agency and his legacy. Unfortunately business never picks up and Le Si had to battle with Tian Xing to stop her company from being sold....
Summer Holiday is about a Hong Kong (Sammi Cheng) girl who loses her office job and finds that her boyfriend has been cheating on her, and travels to an island in Malaysia to sell her half of a beach that her cousin gave her. Only then does she know that her cousin sold the other half to his best friend (Richie Ren) to pay off debts. In her quest to convince him to sell, they begin to fall in love...