Românii au talent is a TV show which first aired on 18 February 2011. The project is a franchise of Got Talent, developed by Simco Limited. The hosts of the show are Smiley and Pavel Bartoş. The judges are the Romanian singer Andra, a Pro TV star and presenter Andi Moisescu,TV presenter Mihai Petre and Florin Calinescu,Romanian actor, theatre director and television host.The grand prize is 120.000€....
Românii au talent is a TV show which first aired on 18 February 2011. The project is a franchise of Got Talent, developed by Simco Limited. The hosts of the show are Smiley and Pavel Bartoş. The judges are the Romanian singer Andra, a Pro TV star and presenter Andi Moisescu,TV presenter Mihai Petre and Florin Calinescu,Romanian actor, theatre director and television host.The grand prize is 120.000€....
Vocea României is a Romanian reality talent show that started in September 2011. It is part of the international syndication The Voice based on the reality singing competition launched in the Netherlands as The Voice of Holland, created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. The judging panel is Smiley, Horia Brenciu, Irina Rimes and Tudor Chirila with Pavel Bartoș presenter One of the important premises of the show is the quality of the singing talent. Four coaches, themselves popular perfo...
"Once and for all" ("Odata pentru totdeauna") tells the story of a successful director, Alex, who struggles with depression, despite his great professional career....
When a group of coworkers goes on a team-building retreat in the mountains, an extreme challenge reveals interesting stories — and betrayals....
Ramon is a kind person, he tries to do good things, but he is making them much worse. He is looking for that special person and ends up in Bucharest, were troubles are following him....
Oh, Ramona! seeks the transformation of Andrew from a teenager into an adult who lives candidly and selflessly his first love story, innocent and uninvolved, alternating with the second, intense and insane story, incapable of making a choice....