The series follows the lives and loves of three 30-something professionals in modern day Athens. Elli (Faidra Douka) is a junior executive in a record company, having to deal with a highly demanding bitch-of-a-boss. Following the end of a serious relationship, Elli is worried about never having a chance to marry or have kids. Her search for new partners mostly results in the entry of weirdos in her life. Mitsaki (Mirto Alikaki) is a radio producer with a love-hate-relationship with her own boss....
When a rich socialite loses everything and must move to the neighborhood of a poor fisherman, their two worlds collide in hysterical ways....
The every day life of a Greek family - four children, a husband who is a lawyer, a wife, a gambling grandma, a jinxed aunt, and a rabbit....
A young man just released from the army is making great dreams for his life. Finally he gets a job in a butcher's shop and gains the confidence of the owner. After the butcher's death he falls in love with his daughter but also has an affair with the widow and cannot decide between them...