Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
A talk show with an emphasis on regular people, regardless of age or gender, that aims to help take down communication barriers by sharing stories about life....
A reality and competition show where members are joined by celebs to complete a weekly mission to win the race with Seoul as the beautiful backdrop....
Jung Ha Yoon is a graduate student who successfully passed the bar exam. However, she is not finished as she wants to be a medical malpractice litigation specialist. She works at a hospital to look to gain experience and there she meets other doctors who work there....
Sci-fi variety program that exploring the idea of life on Mars at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah, where the desert conditions are similar to those on Mars. The cast experiences life as an inhabitant of Mars for a week....
Infinite Challenge has been reported as the first "Real-Variety" show in Korean television history. The program is largely unscripted, and follows a similar format of challenge-based Reality Television programs, familiar to the audiences in the West, but the challenges are often silly, absurd, or impossible to achieve, so the program takes on the aspect of a satirical comedy variety show, rather than a more standard reality or contest program. In order to achieve its comedic purposes its 6 hosts...
As more and more people are getting used to eating dinner alone, Kang Ho-dong and Lee Kyung-kyu visit ordinary Korean families at dinner time and share their lives as they eat dinner together....
Korea's version of the late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory cast members....
Almost everyone has a question regarding life and the goal of life. In order to find the answer, the four young men with full of curiosity regarding their lives, Lee Seung Gi, Lee Sang Yun, Yuk Seong Jae, and Yang Se Hyeong, head to find their master to learn things and get a correct answer. They find the master and spend a day in the master’s place to learn things that they didn’t know, and wish to know. Whom will they get to meet? And what will they learn throughout the stay?...
Kim Yuna's Kiss & Cry was a South Korean figure skating/ice dancing competition/reality show. It aired from May 22 to August 21, 2011 as part of the Good Sunday line-up on SBS. While the professional skater can perform jumps within a program, the lifting restrictions (no lifts above the man's waist) meant this is mostly in line with ice dancing regulations....
Divided into four teams, a star-studded cast of 12 contestants competes to be the last ones standing as they attempt to survive in the wilderness....
The age-old heroes of Journey to the West get resurrected in modern Korea in the zany fantasy comedy Super Monkey Returns! In present-day Seoul, evil demons from ancient times are accidentally unleashed into the world. The only way to stop them is to call upon the very men who defeated them thousand of years ago. By extracting DNA from relics, scientists manage to bring back Monkey King, Tripataka, Pigsy, and Sandy - but they're going to need some major training to get back into superhero fighti...
The plot is instantly familiar in the great martial arts tradition, being set in a small town which is home to two rival masters, one who practices Taekkyun (Shin Hyun Jun, also in the likes of “Shadowless Sword” and the “Marrying the Mafia” films) and the other Kendo (Choi Sung Kook, also in “Crazy Assassins”), both of who just happen to be called Kim. As well as competing for students, the two are locked in deadly combat for the hand of the local beauty, who seems to be pretty much the only wo...
The child of the president of Korea and the child of an elite gangster attend the same school. Soon, a rivalry develops between the two kids' respective bodyguards....
An unemployed man and an underaged girl bond over the drama in their personal lives....
When Aryong, the daughter of a triad boss from Hong Kong is accused of killing the boss of a competing triad, she goes into hiding in Korea. Upon arriving, she is guided by a nimble but loyal Gi-chul and his motley crew, who are assigned to protect her until her return....
Trained in the skills of sea power, Pi the fish can fight a shark, sink a squid or batter any random predator that ever threatens his friends and neighbors on the reef. Unfortunately, being the only hero in town can take its toll, especially when a group of sharks declares that the end of the reef is soon at hand....