Włatcy móch is a Polish adult animated comedy series, which had been on the Polish TV channel TV4 between November 2006 and December 2010. The title is a misspelled version of "Władcy much" meaning "The Lords of Flies" and derives from William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies. The plot of the story revolves around four 8-year-old boys in the second grade of elementary school: Anusiak, Konieczko, Maślana, and Czesio. The director and writer of the show is Bartek Kędzierski. He also dubs one of c...
Maciek (35), tricked by his boss, steals his boss's car and goes on a desperate joyride across. He drives across the interior of Poland, where people are preparing for a celebration of an unspecified anniversary. In the meanwhile, Magda (35), a Town Hall employee in charge of the anniversary events, Highly committed at first, gradually notices all the dirt and corruption around her. At some point, she must choose between her career and integrity, whether she should accept it or risk her career a...