Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three m...
Follow the life of a dysfunctional Polish family from Wrocław, who live in an old apartment in Wrocław on 3/4 Ćwiartki street. The show is centered on Ferdynand Kiepski, who tries to make various schemes to improve his financial or life situation, all of which ultimately fail....
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goe...
The movie is an attractive comedy of mistakes with large dose of humor and action. At the same time it is a sentimental story about group of friends who grew up in the same town in the 90s, taking their first steps into adulthood together. The story is about boys form Sopot who 20 years ago were a best friends for life. They had a band, they graduated from Hight school together. As a result of a various circumstances the group of friends fell apart and each of the boys went their own way. We mee...
Poland, 1978. Edward Srodon, a zootechnician, makes an accidental stop at the Dziabas family farm, located in the remote area of the Bieszczady Mountains. Years later, on a winter day during Martial Law, a People's Militia investigation team examines a crime scene....
On an ordinary winter's day, various people from outside Warsaw come to the Polish capital city for different reasons. They all have something to deal with, and their paths eventually intertwine....
Piotr (Paweł Królikowski) jest psychiatrą. Siedzi na nocnym dyżurze, gdy na jego oddział przywożą chłopaka. To Kamil (Lesław Żurek), syn którego nie widział całe lata. Chłopak znika ze szpitala równie szybko, jak się pojawił. Jednak Piotr postanawia nawiązać z nim kontakt. Zaprasza go do siebie i poznaje ze swoją piękną, młodą narzeczoną (Anna Geislerová). Po wizycie Kamila kobieta uświadamia sobie, że Piotr jest dla niej zagadką i naprawdę nic o nim nie wie. A Piotr rzeczywiście skrywa mroczną ...
Do jednostki wojskowej przyjeżdżają nowi poborowi. Starsi koledzy ostrzegają ich przed Tygrysem, byłym kryminalistą, faktycznym władcą kompanii, słynącym z bezwzględności i sadyzmu. Co gorsza jest on w praktyce bezkrany, gdyż przełożeni chociaż wiedzą o jego wybrykach, nie reagują. Już pierwsze dni służby wystawiają cierpliwość świeżo upieczonych "kotów" na ciężką próbę. Grupka starszych żołnierzy, czekających na przejście do rezerwy bije, upokarza i demoluje dobytek poborowych. Ich okrucieństwu...
Marcin Krysztalowicz's film is both a partisan ballad, showing the real face of German occupation of Poland during WW2 and a startling war thriller. It tells a story of corporal "Wydra", struggling not only with Germans and Polish traitors but also with his own past......
A grotesque Shakespearean tale of Ubu who comes to power in a bloody way. When his absurd reforms fail and the treasury gets empty, Ubu and his flatterers start implementing terror across the country....
Anthropology professor Michal develops two overwhelming obsessions. The first one is a mummified, 3,000 year-old, perfectly preserved body of a shaman he and his colleagues have recently dragged out of a swamp. The second is an enigmatic student he meets by chance at a railway station....
The Tiger - a forty-year-old film director - uses life by sprinkling it generously with alcohol and cocaine. The problem is that when hangover is left as the only companion in life....
A group of students of the last year of the local motor technical school is slowly entering adult life. An atmosphere of emptiness and hopelessness reigns around them. Young people have no idea for their future, but they do not want to duplicate the pattern of a poor existence according to which their parents live. One of them, Arek, had a chance to break out of this vicious circle for a moment. The possibility of a brilliant career, fame and a lot of money was opening up to him, the Polish Juni...
A 40-year old actress (single and strong, yet lonely), her sister (an emotionally unstable schoolteacher whose married-with-kids life appears more orderly) and their domineering father, who gradually loses control over his family due to his wife's sudden illness and his own health troubles; these are the three individuals at the heart of this film, a touching story about the strength of family ties in a situation of imminent danger....
When a group of bandits accidentally kill a boy in a club, his father and sister try to find the guilty and bring them justice....
Stasio Tuchala, old bachelor, resident of Sucha Wolka, after his sister left for America, lives alone. Because he can not cope with the farmwork, his friends decide to get him married. Stasio already attracted two girls from his village and Ukrainian Vera, but he dreams of Miss from colorful magazines. Matrimonial ad that Stasio, Albert and Henry put in the press, has nothing to do with reality, Stasio is NOT a handsome, dark haired, and wealthy. Meanwhile, the mayor Sucha Wolka seriously offend...
Panoramic view of a resort town in the summer of 1930. In seventeen episodes we get a glimpse at the microcosm of its colourful inhabitants and visitors, Poles and Jews, the high society and the desperately poor....
Seven policemen, seven deadly sins, a murder case, secrets and the filth of everyday police work: Traffic Department transports the viewer into the darkest Warsaw streets....
Daddy is the story of a divorced father fighting for the right to raise his 7-year-old daughter. When his marriage falls apart, he decides to kidnap his daughter rather than let the court award custody to his mentally ill wife, whom he deems unfit to raise their child. But as he quickly finds out, it's easier to be a real man than it is to be a real father....
Modern-day Warsaw shines in this romantic comedy about the love life of a young, hip architect. In his break-out role, popular Polish television star Maciej Zakoscielny plays the handsome young professional, who is torn between two women....