Selamanya Suri Cinta is a drama directed by Zamri Zakaria, starring Siti Nordiana, Sham Visa, Farahdhiya, Fahrin Ahmad, Raja Azmi and many others. The series begins its premiere on TV9, starting July 15, 2022, replacing the drama Air Mata Allisya...
A Malaysian animated television series that was aired on RTM from 1999 to 2003. The series is adapted from the best-selling graphic novel of the same title, the work of JAS Sdn. Bhd. and aired three seasons and 39 episodes....
All the residents of Kampong Pisang work together on cooking activities on the day before Raya. Husin returns to the village with Nelly's new lover until Ms. Chun is jealous and sulking because her love is rejected. Meanwhile, Barkoba was shocked by the presence of a former lover who had left him before because he married a man with the rank of factory manager. Pak Din was sad because his son suddenly could not return to the village to celebrate with him. Ms. Purnama carried suitcases and mattre...